Decimal Hours Converter

Do you need to convert decimal hours to regular hours and minutes or vice versa? You’ve come to the right place!

Our decimal hours converter is a simple and convenient tool that allows you to convert any time value to decimal hours or regular hours and minutes format.

Hours to Decimal Converter


What Are Decimal Hours?

Decimal hours are a way of expressing time that uses the 10-base system to represent hours, minutes, and seconds. It is commonly used for payroll, accounting, and scientific purposes.

Decimal hours eliminate the need for complex calculations and conversions that can arise from using the 60-base system, where the same numbers can mean different units of time.

Using decimal hours for employee timekeeping can help you save time, money, and hassle. You can easily calculate the total hours worked, the hourly rate, the overtime pay, and the taxes for each employee. You can also avoid errors and discrepancies that can occur when using regular hours and minutes, such as misreading, forgetting, or omitting the AM/PM suffixes.


A Conversion Example

For example, if you want to convert 7.5 hours to regular hours and minutes, enter 7.5 in the “Decimal Hours” box and click “Convert”. You will see that the regular hours and minutes equivalent is 7:30. Conversely, if you want to convert 9:45 to decimal hours, enter 9:45 in the “Regular Hours and Minutes” box and click “Convert”. You will see that the decimal hours equivalent is 9.75.


Why Use Decimal Hours?

Decimal hours have many advantages over regular hours and minutes, especially when it comes to simplicity and accuracy. Here are some of the benefits of using decimal hours:

  • It makes it easier to perform arithmetic operations with time values. In other words, your payroll calculation will be a breeze. For example, if you want to add 2 hours and 15 minutes to 3 hours and 45 minutes, you have to carry over the minutes and adjust the hours. But if you use decimal hours, you just have to add 2.25 and 3.75, which gives you 6 hours.
  • It eliminates the confusion between hours, minutes, and seconds. For example, 2:30 could mean 2 hours and 30 minutes or 2 minutes and 30 seconds in regular time, but in decimal hours, 2.30 always means 2 hours and 18 minutes, while 2 minutes and 30 seconds is 0.04 hours.
  • It reduces the risk of errors and discrepancies. For example, if you write 5:00 on a document, someone might misread it as 6:00 or 8:00. But if you write 5.00, there is no room for error.
  • It is more efficient and concise. For example, if you want to say 4 hours and 36 minutes in regular time, you have to use five syllables and two punctuation marks. But if you use decimal hours, you can say 4.6 hours, which only uses two syllables and one punctuation mark.


How to Convert Decimal Hours to Regular Hours and Minutes?

Decimal hours use the 10-base system to represent hours, minutes, and seconds. To put it simply – time is expressed in 10 one hour units. So when time is increased by one hour at 9.00, we don’t write 9.10. Instead, we increase the hours by one and reset the decimals to zero and write 10.00. The first digit or digits of decimal hours represent the hour of the day, and the decimal part represents the minutes and seconds past the hour. There is a separator between the hours and the minutes and seconds, usually a dot (.) or a colon (:).

To convert decimal hours to regular hours and minutes, you just have to follow these simple rules:

  • If the decimal hours have a decimal part, it means the minutes and seconds past the hour. To find the minutes, multiply the decimal part by 60.
  • To find the seconds, multiply the remaining decimal part by 60 again. For example, 7.5 means 7 hours and 30 minutes, and 9.75 means 9 hours, 45 minutes, and 0 seconds.

To pronounce decimal hours, you just have to say each digit separately, followed by the word “hours”. For example, 7.5 is pronounced as “seven point five hours”, and 9.75 is pronounced as “nine point seven five hours”.


How to Convert Regular Hours and Minutes to Decimal Hours?

In contrast to decimal hours, regular hours and minutes use the 60-base system to represent hours, minutes, and seconds. By this we mean that time is expressed in 60 one minute units. So when time is increased by one minute at 3:59, we don’t write 3:60. Instead, we increase the hours by one and reset the minutes to zero and write 4:00.

The first digit or digits of regular hours and minutes represent the hour of the day, and the last two digits represent the minutes past the hour. There is a separator between the hours and the minutes, usually a colon (:). To convert regular hours and minutes to decimal hours, you just have to follow these simple rules:

  • To find the decimal part, divide the minutes by 60.
  • To find the seconds, divide the remaining minutes by 60 again. For example, 7:30 means 7.5 hours, and 9:45 means 9.75 hours.


Decimal Hours Examples

Here are some examples of how to convert and read decimal hours:

  • 8.5 hours in decimal hours is 8 hours and 30 minutes in regular hours and minutes. You can read it as “eight point five hours”.
  • 2.88 hours in decimal hours is 2 hours and 52 minutes and 48 seconds in regular hours and minutes. You can read it as “two point eight eight hours”.
  • 10.00 hours in decimal hours is 10:00 in regular hours and minutes. You can read it as “ten hours”.
  • 0000 in regular hours and minutes is 0.00 in decimal hours. You can read it as “zero hours”.
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Zeljko Turudic, Partner at WTS Tax and Finance

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Zeljko Turudic, Partner at WTS Tax and Finance

Aleksandra Lazović-Lønningen, Co-Founder at Eat Me App

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Aleksandra Lazović-Lønningen, Co-Founder at Eat Me App

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Andrej Kravcuk, Founder and CEO at Meat your farmer

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