澳洲5开官网开奖-澳洲五分彩历史开奖号码、2024年澳洲幸运5开奖结果记录-168澳洲幸运5开奖官网查询 Boost Your Profits with Seamless Time Tracking

Take control of your billable and non-billable hours, monitor employee productivity, and track time spent on each task.



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澳洲5开奖结果历史 Join thousands of companies that grow with Time Analytics

Miras Managment
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Zeljko Turudic, Partner at WTS Tax and Finance

Increased profitability up to 20%

We see exactly how much we make with every project and client. This allows us to redefine contract terms with our low-performing patrons and invest more in our top-performing clients. We identified missed billable hours and bill more simply, with the same capacity.

Read the full case study

Zeljko Turudic, Partner at WTS Tax and Finance

Aleksandra Lazović-Lønningen, Co-Founder at Eat Me App

Cut admin work by 25%.

Before TA we spent too many hours on administration and unproductive work. Based on the hours we cut out of admin and micro-management, we’ve been able to invest saved hours into team and business development. We also get insights into what we can outsource.

Read the full case study

Aleksandra Lazović-Lønningen, Co-Founder at Eat Me App

Andrej Kravcuk, Founder and CEO at Meat your farmer

True business insights.

I got clear insights into the entire company’s performance. I can see all the important metrics with a single click, like billable hours, rates, time utilization, overtime, and time-off. That allows me to make  informed and simple decisions when it comes to my partners and employees.

Read the full case study

Andrej Kravcuk, Founder and CEO at Meat your farmer

Spend less time tracking employee hours and more time growing your company.

Spend less time tracking employee hours and more time growing your company.
Keep Track of Hours and Costs

Keep Track of Hours and Costs

Easy-to-use time tracker that helps your team to increase productivity:

  • Track time across projects with one click
  • Efficiently manage all time entries
  • Set billing and pay rates for  your team
  • Automate cost allocation
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Analyze Project Profitability

Analyze Project Profitability

Reporting features can help you to:

  • Track billable hours and billing efficiency
  • Get insights into the profitability of each project and client
  • Identify missing profits
  • Eliminate micro-management and admin time
  • Fairly adjust client fees and contractual terms
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Improve Your Team Performance

Improve Your Team Performance

Maximize employee productive hours:

  • Manage billable and non-billable work
  • Review employee time utilization
  • Track overtime and unused time
  • Eliminate unproductive behavior
  • Improve usage of team resources
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Get Insights from <a href=Employee Timesheets" />

Get Insights from Employee Timesheets

Generate timesheets automatically and completely replace spreadsheets:

  • Review employee hours by date, billability, client or project
  • Review and edit your team’s timesheets
  • Get accurate hours for payroll
  • Set notifications for missing hours
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Increase client satisfaction

Increase client satisfaction

Stop missing billable minutes when invoicing

  • Keep proof of performed work
  • Make transparent invoices and appendices
  • Easily export invoices and invoicing data
Learn more

A flexible time management tool for all kinds of businesses

Join thousands of people who trust us and let us to help them turn their vision into reality.

Andrej Kravcuk
We can track time across projects in a few clicks. I like being able to easily manage the timers and get detailed analytics of time, cost, and profit.

Andrej Kravcuk, Founder and CEO at Meat your farmer

Aleksandra Lazovic
We billed more than $20k, just by identifying client-related work that was simply not billed. Now we see all our billable work and bill realistic fees.
adobe creative cloud

Aleksandra Lazović-Lønningen, Co-Founder at Eat Me App

Our remote team loves Time Analytics. They feel their privacy is respected. No screenshots and clock-in clock-out, which makes our team more comfortable and creative.

Ana Avramovic,Senior Consultant at WTS.

Michael Morbius
We’ve gained more trust from clients due to increased transparency. We provide clear documentation of our tasks and projects delivered.

Michael Morbius, Project Lead at Treehouse.

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