7 Best Time Management Apps for Students

7 Best Time Management Apps for Students

August 3, 2022

Many high school students can’t wait to get to college. This is completely understandable. Namely, the idea of college promises a better future, meeting new people, and obtaining skills for a job a person will be doing for the rest of their life.

Independence is an additional bonus of college life. Most new students move out of their childhood bedrooms for the first time to move into dorms.

With all this newness in your life – new friends to talk to, obligations to fulfill, and fun to have, losing track of time is natural.

However, university professors aren’t always understanding when it comes to these big changes.

Thus, they still expect you to do homework, hand in papers, read, and take exams.

In other words, your independence is accompanied by the biggest bulk of obligations you’ve ever had in your life.

It is absolutely normal to feel a bit (or very) lost. After all, up until this point, you’ve had a strict daily schedule. Now, you need to create one for yourself.

Not only that, but the schedule needs to be sustainable and leave you with enough time to recharge.

In other words – you need to become a master of time management ASAP.

That’s why we’re here to share the best time management apps for students.

time management app for students

Time Analytics

Time Analytics

“You can’t manage what you can’t measure” is a quote by Peter Drucker that proves true again and again.

You can apply it to time too. That is why our first suggestion on the list is a time tracking app. Time Analytics is a great time management app for students who want to learn more about their habits.

The app allows you to track the time you spend doing different activities. It can be used as a digital bullet journal that gives you reports.

The application is quick and easy to use.

You can either start an automatic timer and label it as a specific course or assignment or make manual entries in a timesheet. Either way, the tracking process is simple and takes very little time.

Understanding exactly where your time goes during the day is a great first step toward creating a sustainable schedule that makes sense for you. Once you start using the app, your patterns will become clear. To put it simply, you will notice your most productive periods during the day and the week. Also, you’ll be able to see when exactly your focus drops.

Now you can create a schedule to match the productive periods with doing schoolwork. This way you won’t be forcing yourself to work at times when your brain simply refuses to store information. Not recognizing these patterns can cause discouragement and burnout. Hence, it is best to understand your work cycle as soon as possible.

The app will give you a clear insight into the time you spend on specific assignments and courses. Detailed visual reports will point you to your strengths and weaknesses, too. This way, you’ll be able to plan your week more efficiently, manage your workload and have time to socialize as well!


  • Time tracking – choose between manual and automatic time tracking and learn about your work habits in-depth. The time tracking process takes only a few minutes each day.
  • Reports – receive accurate reports on your activities and learn what takes up most of your time. Then, you’ll be able to play your strengths and learn which time management techniques suit you the best.
  • Customizable timesheets – create a template that will suit you specifically. This way, you’ll always be sure you’ve filled all important fields
  • Notes – add notes to any field you want. Help your future self with revising and remembering the most important parts.


You can get Time Analytics for $4.99 per month. There is also a 14-day free trial to see whether you like the app.

Remember the Milk

Remember the Milk

Remember the Milk is a time management app for students who like (or have to – no judgment here) to rely on lists. To-do lists can be great reminders, especially if you’re juggling many different things at once. And let’s face it, college students do just that.

The app allows a great degree of organization. You can create multiple lists and add tags, deadlines, etc. to them. The app sends reminders to its users in their preferred way. The options include text messages, emails, Twitter (for the brave), and the mobile app.

If you know anything about the most efficient to-do lists, you’ll know they tend to divide a large task into several smaller ones. Remember the Milk gives you the option of creating subtasks. This is a great way to manage time if you aren’t sure where to start.


  • Lists – create to-do lists and check tasks off
  • Organization – use tags, subtasks, color coordination, etc. to make the lists easier to navigate
  • Reminders – use reminders to make sure you meet all your deadlines


Remember the Milk Pro plan costs $39.99 per year

Focus Booster

Focus Booster

This is another time management app for students that focuses on time tracking. However, its method is quite different. Namely, Focus booster relies on the Pomodoro technique to help students get into deep work.

The Pomodoro technique is quite simple. You work for 25 minutes and then take a 5-minute break. As you can imagine, this isn’t the best option for the users who have a strict schedule or work better without many breaks. On the other hand, it can be a lifesaver for many who forget to rest.

The app features clear visual reports that show what you’ve spent your time on.


  • Pomodoro timer – work in small chunks of time and make sure to take breaks
  • Reports – see the stats and results of your work
  • Daily lists – create a to-do list and feel accomplished as you cross items off


The Professional plan costs $4.99 per month

Trial period

30 days



Playing games on your phone feels much better than working. Short-term gratification is a good source of serotonin. Additionally, game designers work hard every day to keep you glued to the various screens around you for as long as possible. Hence, no wonder gaming is one of the biggest distractions in student life.

Forest has used this love for games to create a productivity tool. Namely, the app consists of users planting trees. After you’ve done so, you will not be able to turn on any other apps on the device. Otherwise, your tree will die. It’s simple and effective.

An added bonus – the app is partnered with Trees for the Future, an organization that plants real trees. So, if you use the pro plan, you’ll be able to help the environment as well.


  • Deep focus – stay away from all devices and dedicate your time to more important things
  • Automatic timer – you will be able to use the device after the set period
  • Game incentives – your trees die if you use your device + you can help the environment by creating your little forest.


You can get the Pro version for $1.99. The app contains in-app purchases



This is another time management app for students that can help you organize. At its core, Evernote is a note-taking app. However, its options are numerous and vastly useful. The application is available on all devices, and you can organize your days quite simply by using it.

Research, class notes, and to-do lists are just the basis of the app. You can also create tasks and study plans, as well as store different media files in one place.

As the app was created for business first, you can use it with your peers, send them assignments, and share notes.


  • Document scanning – scan the pages you need with your device and leave the library books to others
  • Synchronization – all data is saved on all your devices simultaneously
  • Integration – integrate Evernote with Google Calendar and meet all deadlines


Evernote personal costs €6.99 per month. If you want to sync with your study group, the Teams plan is €13.99 per user per month.



Social media is one of the biggest distractions of the modern era. Similar to video games, these sites are designed to keep your attention for as long as possible. it is especially difficult to stay off social media while in college, as most other students use these networks as well. Hence, you have a combination of peer pressure and convenient distractions. On top of that, these apps were designed to make you lose track of time. So, what now?

AntiSocial offers an often unpleasant insight into phone usage. You will be able to see how many times a day you unlock your phone. Social media time is also explored, and so are most often used apps. That is to say, you will have a concrete starting point. Then, you will be able to monitor your time online, blacklist, or decrease time spent unproductively.


  • Phone time tracker – learn all about your habits when it comes to the small black mirror
  • Score – find out how your phone usage stands compared to other users
  • Blacklist – give yourself a temporary ban from your phone to be more productive


You can purchase AntiSocial for $3.49 per month

iStudiez Pro

iStudiez Pro

iStudiezPro is a time management app for students who need extra help with organizing their time. the app integrates with your calendar, so you won’t have to copy all entries. Additionally, you can color-code all tasks within the app according to their importance and deadlines.

You can just take a glance at your daily or weekly overview to see where and when you need to be. The app will notify you of any upcoming deadlines. In other words, it will be extremely difficult to miss deadlines by accident.

Finally, since the app is designed for students first and foremost, you will be able to enter your grades. Then, you will be able to see your current GPA at all times.


  • Time management – never forget an assignment or deadline again
  • Calendar view – see the upcoming days and your obligations with almost no effort
  • GPA calculator – see how you’re standing and make changes in due time


You can get the Full version of the app for $2.99 for mobile devices and $9.99 for desktop

To Conclude

We live in an age defined by an overwhelming amount of information.

It seems that media is becoming shorter. On the other hand, games are more immersive than ever. It is extremely easy for a student to lose track of their time.

However, you shouldn’t be discouraged. There are many useful tools and apps that can help you get off the damn phone and study more efficiently.

We hope our examples inspire you to start managing your time and getting the grades you deserve!


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