Best Time Tracking Software Solutions for Students

Best Time Tracking Software Solutions for Students

May 4, 2022

Keeping up with classes, homework, preparatory reading, and maintaining a semblance of social life make a student’s day extremely busy. The lack of strict organization (i.e. facultative classes) only makes regular daily schedules more difficult. Since most students also start living away from home for the first time when they start college, they also need to adjust to the housework that falls on them.

With all these factors and a lack of parental oversight, it is extremely easy to slip into bad habits. The ever-present media distractions only increase the possibility of slipping up. Hence, college students can find themselves in a very unpleasant situation, as deadlines can sneak up on them unnoticed very easily.

This is why we recommend looking for the best time tracking app for students. Even though their primary purpose is in business, these applications can be very useful for anyone trying to organize their days to be more productive and form better work (or studying in this case) habits.

1. Time Analytics

Time Analytics time tracking

Time Analytics is one of the newest time tracking solutions currently on the market. This simple app offers the possibility to track the time you spend on different tasks like coursework through several quick clicks.The platform has a desktop and mobile version, so you can track your time anywhere.

The program’s main purpose is to be used as a business application. However, its simple interface and template options make it a great addition to any student’s daily routine.

Have you ever gone to bed thinking about all the studying you will have to do tomorrow? Many students are unaware of their habits, and end up wondering where their time went at the end of a long day. This creates unnecessary pressure and can even lower a person’s self-confidence and make them doubt their capabilities.

Most often, however, the fault lies in the small things – getting carried away with a movie or a TV series, or scrolling social media for hours on end without any goal or satisfaction. Time Analytics is a great way to become more aware of your habits. You can do this by conducting a time audit – writing down what you are doing every 15 minutes (completely honestly). This way you will be able to identify the biggest hurdles on your way to academic success.

The time audit will also show you your most productive hours. As we have previously mentioned, students have a lot of newfound freedom in their day-to-day lives, but also need to understand how they function without having to go to school at a set time. You will most likely notice you focus better on studying at certain times of the day.

With regular time tracking, Time Analytics will show you the trends in your behavior – productive periods, breaks, and times when your focus dwindles. Once you understand your work rhythm, you will be able to utilize it to your favor. Time blocking is one of the most popular methods to do so. Even if it means becoming a night owl, you will be more productive than if you force yourself to study during the day (aka the time when you can’t focus).

Analyses and visual reports of your work will bring you more self-confidence once you notice how being well-organized and following your natural rhythm help your grades.


  • Automatic and manual time tracking
  • Customizable timesheets
  • Progress reports
  • Notes


The pricing for Time Analytics starts at $4.99.

Trial Period

14 days

Try Time Analytics free for 14 days.

2. Timely

Timely best time tracking app for students

Timely is another timekeeping platform that could be the best time tracking app for students. You will be able to see exactly how much time you’re spending on different websites and using different apps, which is a great addition to your studying routine.

You can mark important dates – due dates for papers, exams, and mid-terms – in the app’s calendar-like interface, so you can stay on track with all your schoolwork. Timely allows for a lot of freedom and independence in your time tracking, as you will get to manage your time on your own and get the satisfaction of work well-done once you’re done studying for the day.


  • Automatic time tracking
  • Calendar-like interface
  • Drag and drop scheduling system
  • Reports


Timely’s basic version costs $10 per month.

Trial Period

14 days

3. Forest


Forest doesn’t focus on time tracking, but you can use it as a fun addition to your routine. Namely, the app adds an element of a game to your daily routine and prevents you from interacting with distracting sites and applications. Currently, it is available in the App Store and on Google Play

The principle is simple – you plant a virtual tree you are supposed to take care of. There is a timer you set up beforehand and if you get out of the app to spend time on a distracting site or game before the timer runs out, the tree will die. The more you focus the more luscious will your little forest be, and vice versa.

As an additional incentive for using the app and sticking to your plan, Forest works with Trees for the Future, a tree-planting organization. So, you can help our planet become a little greener. That is why Forest is the best time tracking app for students who want to help the world become a healthier place.


  • Automatic timer
  • Deep focus


Forest’s Pro version costs $1.99 with in-app purchases.

Trial Period

The app doesn’t have a free trial but offers a free version.

4. AntiSocial

anti social

So, you’ve conducted a time audit, and realized you spend way too much time on your phone? AntiSocial is a good tool you can use to battle these tendencies. This app’s primary goal is to make you more aware of the ways you are using your smartphone. It collects data on your phone usage and creates a visual representation of it.

The stats include the number of times you’ve unlocked your phone in a day, the amount of time spent on social media and other apps, your biggest distractions, and compares your score to other users. This can be a wake-up call for many students, as social media and games are designed in a way that makes you lose track of time while using them.

Similar to Forest, AntiSocial can also help you avoid using social media by blacklisting certain apps so you can’t access them for a period.


  • Unlock counter
  • Social media timer
  • Favorite apps
  • Blacklist


AntiSocial costs $3.49 per month.

Trial period

14 days

5. Apploye





Apployee is a straightforward time tracking platform meant to be used by companies to monitor their employees. However, students can use it as well to observe their habits and understand which changes they need to make.

Apployee features a Pomodoro timer. This feature relies on the eponymous technique of time blocking. Namely, you set up a timer for a certain period (usually 25 minutes) and after the time runs out you get to have a break. You can motivate yourself by adding different rewards for each completed period – a snack, a cup of coffee, dancing to your favorite song – whatever you find effective.

The platform will also track your computer activity and give you reports on the time you have spent using different apps or visiting distracting web pages. This will make you more aware of your time, which is the first step to using it more effectively.


  • Time tracking
  • Reports
  • Activity monitoring
  • Pomodoro timer


Apploye’s pricing starts at $4 per month.

Trial Period

10 days

6. Focus Booster

focus booster best time tracking app for students

Another focus-based application for users – employees and students alike. It is the best time tracking app for students who can’t stay focused on a single task based on the Pomodoro technique.

It is well-known that multitasking isn’t good for productivity. Neither is jumping from task to task in a short period, as you won’t be able to concentrate and retain knowledge. This is where Focus Booster comes in, with an accurate overview of your progress after each focus period. You will have a clear picture of how much you’ve done.

It is natural to be more distracted in the beginning and work your way to productivity gradually. However, we often don’t see our progress, which can discourage us. With a clear understanding of how much you’ve managed to improve you’ll be able to recognize your own progress, and new positive habits, and give yourself credit for them.


  • Mac, Windows, and mobile versions
  • Pomodoro timer
  • Time tracking
  • Reports


The Starter package is free, but has limited functionality, while the Professional version costs $4.99 per month

Trial Period

30 days

7. RescueTime

Rescue time best time tracking app for students

RescueTime is the best time tracking app for students that does a little bit of everything to increase your productivity. It includes an automatic time tracking system you don’t have to monitor if you are using your computer or phone for studying, as it will automatically monitor your activity. The app is compatible with all devices and runs in the background, so you won’t have to toggle between different timers.

The app detects longer procrastination periods and warns you when you’ve been away from your device for too long. It also categorizes your used applications as productive and unproductive and delivers reports on your activity. Hence, you’ll be able to learn what is preventing you from being more productive.


  • Work/study goals
  • Focus sessions
  • Reports
  • Time tracking


There is the free Lite version with limited functionality and the Premium version that costs $9 per month.

Trial period



Students often find themselves unable to focus on a task. Simply put, they have gone from having a strict daily schedule and their families to push them forward to being completely independent. That is why a lot of them need some help when organizing their time to be able to manage all their obligations.

Using a time tracking app is a great solution, as it helps you become more aware of your time, and the ways you are spending it. This is a great first step to managing your time better and getting better results.

We looked for user-friendly time tracking apps for students that can help them boost their performance by learning to manage procrastination and distractions. We hope you’ll find the perfect app for your needs on our list and learn how to work smarter, rather than harder.


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