Work From Home Is Likely To Continue Beyond Pandemic

Work From Home Is Likely To Continue Beyond Pandemic

September 2, 2021

According to a survey of 2,000 companies in the UK, working from home is likely to continue even after the pandemic finishes. The majority of the companies are planning to allow employees greater work flexibility and are developing a hybrid work model in which employees will attend office when it is needed.

The future of work still looks uncertain. No one knows when, or if, everything might return to normal. The pandemic has radically changed the mindset about remote work for both employers and employees. Companies of all sizes have realized that one can work remotely effectively.  This is why companies are now trying to figure out how the workforce will operate post-pandemic. That could involve a working model where employees would mix both in office and flexible work methods.

Both male and female employees who are working from home are about equally likely to continue remote working after the pandemic. When it comes to balancing work and family, woman especially working mothers, are more likely than men to want to work from home.

Since employees started to work remotely, companies have discovered that a large proportion of employees can work remotely without causing significant losses to the organization. The productivity remained stable, and in many cases actually increased once employees started remote work. Many large companies are afraid that if they insist employees join the office like before it can create burnout. So they are stepping up with a hybrid formula to allow employees with flexible working options. Those companies who can do this the right way will have an added advantage over those who do not.

Remote software is exploding

In a world where remote work has become common, many employees would like to work from home even post-pandemic. Now that so many companies are having remote employees and have adopted technologies that enable collaboration from a distance, they’ve already made the necessary policies for a productive hybrid team.

During the unprecedented time of remote working, digital tools to monitor employees in real time have gained huge popularity to track employee productivity. To increase the productivity of remote employees, companies should implement a software that includes real-time activity tracking, can take random screenshots of employees’ computers, and conducts Face ID verification. This advanced software allows companies to get the data of the productivity level of internal employees faster and in more detail.

This software has come as a blessing for the Human Resources Departments, providing performance insights across a company’s workforce, helping identify talent, and offer insights on where some employees may need extra support.

The employee monitoring software has largely become an accepted practice for many companies in measuring performance at work. Once installed the software tracks the speed at which employees type, take pictures and align all data to get metrics of productivity. This kind of productivity tracking software also allows managers to deliver accurate feedback to employees about their work performance. This is an invaluable benefit for the remote workers because many times due to working remotely the effort of remote workers are not properly addressed. So with proper monitoring software managers have a handful of data to provide feedback based on their activities, and reward the better-performing employees accordingly. Also it ensures remote employees that all their efforts will be noticed and recorded by an unbiased source.

In a world where employees have learnt the benefits of remote working, it is no wonder that a large number of employees would like to continue either fully remote work or flexible work. It might become more common for employers to spend a day or two a week in the office and consider remote work as a permanent option. We all know work will never be the same, in this environment, having managers and leaders who also recognize the unique challenges remote working that employees face.

As a manager, you can foster a work culture where remote employees are supported by offering flexibility, allowing changes to start and finish times, instead of traditional 9-to-5 working hours and encouraging regular check-ins between colleagues on work schedules. Allow them to have regular breaks, use employee monitoring tools and other essential remote tools to create an unbreakable productive hybrid team. The benefits of virtual work have a positive impact on so many things on a global scale that it’s sure to become the best working path forward.


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