Top 8 Time Management Skills You Need

Top 8 Time Management Skills You Need

October 21, 2022

Time management is a skill that every business owner needs to have. It’s one of the most important skills you can have if you want to keep your business on track and grow it into something great.

But, even though time management is an essential part of any successful company or individual’s life, it’s not always easy to do effectively!

There are so many distractions out there, from social media notifications popping up on your computer screen all day long to emails piling up in your inbox. So how can entrepreneurs learn how to manage their time better?

time management skills

Being able to prioritize

You need to prioritize.

A leader must be able to prioritize.

It’s a basic but crucial skill for effective time management. You should know what you’re most important tasks are, and then make sure that you complete those first.

There are many ways of prioritizing, but here are a few examples:

  • The priority-based approach is one way to do it.
    This involves ranking tasks based on their importance or urgency, using symbols like stars and exclamation points (think of how they mark emails in Gmail).
  • Another example is the ABC method: A stands for urgent; B stands for important; C stands for routine or non-urgent.
    A lot of people use this method when they want to delegate something out because it makes sure nothing falls through the cracks between an urgent task being taken care of by one person vs another person handling an important but not urgent item first before moving on to other things like routine work or personal errands like getting groceries so that there’s less pressure later on during crunch time when everyone else needs help getting stuff done too!


Time management is a skill that can be learned, but it’s also something you have to practice regularly.

To stay on track with your goals and priorities, the organization is key.

The organization is not just about having a neat desk or keeping your files in order—it’s about finding ways to keep everything you need at your fingertips so that you don’t waste time looking for things when they’re needed most. Some of the most common organizational tools include:

  • A to-do list: To ensure that you’re getting important tasks done each day and week, write down all of the things that need to get done in one place (such as an app like Time Analytics or an old-fashioned pen-and-paper notebook).
    Break larger projects down into smaller chunks so they feel more manageable—and put them on your calendar! And remember:
    It doesn’t matter if someone else writes out your daily to-do list; what matters is whether or not it works for YOU!
  • A calendar/planner: Use this tool as well if necessary (or combine with a paper planner if desired).
  • Reminders: If there are certain things you want to make sure do get done without fail every day (or multiple times per day), set up reminders through an app like Google Calendar alarms or Apple Watch notifications so there’s no way they’ll slip through the cracks.
    Keep these items separate from other tasks so they won’t get forgotten!
    And don’t forget about apps like Habitica which allow users create habits by adding them into specific categories such as “Health” or “Work” along with adding rewards for completing those habits successfully.”

Effective planning

Planning is the key to time management. Effective planning can help you get more done in less time, and it can also make sure that what you do is important.

In order to plan effectively, you have to have a list of things that need to be done.

This list should include both short-term tasks and long-term projects. It’s also important to prioritize these tasks so that those that are most important get done first.

The best way to write a good plan is by breaking down your goals into smaller portions, called milestones or subgoals.

These milestones should be small enough so that they’re easy for you accomplish within one day or week at most (and preferably within an hour), but big enough so they feel meaningful when they’re finished!

Learning to delegate tasks

Delegating tasks is one of the most effective ways to free up time for yourself.

Delegating tasks means that you are transferring the responsibility of completing a specific task from yourself to another person or a group of people.

This can be done by hiring an assistant, asking friends for help, or outsourcing it to an outside company.

Delegating tasks does not mean that you don’t have any control over them anymore; it just means that you let go temporarily and allow someone else to handle things while you focus on other important things in your life.

The ability to focus on the task at hand

Being able to focus is a skill that will help you achieve all your goals, as well as get through life more calmly.

It can be difficult at times, but knowing how to stay focused can be very useful in many situations. When you’re trying to accomplish something, it’s important that you don’t let other things distract you from what’s important.

When someone calls or texts while you’re working, don’t answer until after completing your goal (unless it’s an emergency).

Don’t check social media websites like Facebook or Twitter when working on a project—you’ll likely end up spending more time looking at the sites than actually doing work for the project!

Don’t try to multitask or do too much in one day because it will only lead to stress and exhaustion. You won’t be able to think clearly if you are trying to multitask.

Being realistic about what you can accomplish in certain time periods

Estimate how long a task will take. If you’ve never done this before, it can be difficult to accurately estimate how long it will take you to complete a given task.

It’s important to be realistic about what you can accomplish in certain time periods, though, and doing so will help ensure that your time management skills are effective.

Use a timer to track time.

There are many different kinds of timers available today-from digital ones that count down the seconds until your next break to those that let you set alarms for specific times of day (like when it’s time for lunch).

Timers are useful because they allow us not only to measure our progress toward meeting certain goals but also to hold ourselves accountable for getting things done on schedule (or at least within reason).

Taking breaks and asking for help when you need it

Good time management takes a lot of self-awareness, but it’s important to know when it’s okay to ask for help.

If you are feeling overwhelmed or on the verge of burnout, it may be time to delegate tasks. Often times, people will try and push through their work at an unsustainable pace because they don’t want others getting ahead of them in the race for promotions or recognition.

But this can lead to poor quality work and eventually, burnout.

When you’re feeling overwhelmed by your workload or duties at home or at work, take a break! It’s okay!

And remember: taking breaks is not just a luxury—it’s part of being human and essential for our wellbeing over time (however long that might be).

Use your time wisely.

When it comes to time management, the phrase “Use your time wisely” is not just a nice suggestion.

It’s a commandment.

If you want to get stuff done, then you need to make sure that all of your actions are focused on the tasks at hand. Don’t waste precious minutes on things that don’t matter or procrastinate by doing other less important activities before focusing on what needs to be done.

To do this properly, it will require some practice and self-control in order to stay focused on the task at hand and not allow yourself to get distracted by other things. The best way I know how is using my “focus zone” technique which involves me turning off notifications from my phone (especially social media apps) so that I am not tempted by any incoming messages or notifications until I’m finished with whatever task I’m working on at the moment.

Get good at saying no.

You’re probably familiar with the saying, “Don’t say yes to something unless you have a plan for how you are going to get it done.” While this is some good advice, it doesn’t take into account the fact that you have limited time and resources.

You need to be able to discern which opportunities are worth pursuing and which ones aren’t worth your time.


In the end, it’s important to remember that time management is about what you do with your time and how you use it. In order to manage your time effectively, it’s important that you set goals and have a plan.

You should also be realistic about what you can achieve and not get distracted by unnecessary tasks.


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