How Do Attorneys Keep Track of Their Time?

How Do Attorneys Keep Track of Their Time?

Jelena Lukic
Written by Jelena Lukic
July 7, 2023

Have you ever wondered how do attorneys keep track of their time? We are here to share their best practices, tips and tricks for effective billing.

Time is a precious resource, especially for attorneys. In the legal profession, where billable hours are the lifeblood of revenue generation, accurate time tracking is crucial. It not only impacts an attorney’s productivity and efficiency but also plays a significant role in billing clients accurately.

However, tracking time can be a daunting task, often plagued by challenges and distractions that make it difficult to maintain accuracy.

In this blog post, we aim to unveil the secrets of how attorneys keep track of their time effectively.

We will explore the importance of time tracking in the legal profession and delve into the strategies and techniques that attorneys employ to overcome the challenges associated with this crucial task.

Accurate time tracking serves multiple purposes in the legal realm. Firstly, it enables attorneys to bill their clients fairly and transparently.

Clients expect detailed invoices that reflect the actual time and effort spent on their cases, and maintaining accurate records ensures that attorneys can meet these expectations.

Secondly, tracking time helps attorneys measure their own productivity and assess the efficiency of their work processes. By understanding how time is allocated across various tasks, attorneys can identify areas for improvement and optimize their workflow.

How Do Attorneys Keep Track of Their Time?

The Challenges of Time Tracking

Attorneys face unique challenges when it comes to tracking time. The nature of legal work often involves

  • frequent interruptions,
  • shifting priorities,
  • and multitasking,

making it difficult to keep a precise record of time spent on each task. Moreover, the pressure to meet deadlines and the complexity of legal matters can lead to distractions that further hinder accurate time tracking.

To overcome these challenges, attorneys need effective strategies and techniques. They must embrace reliable time tracking methods and leverage technology to streamline the process.

By doing so, they can not only enhance their own productivity but also maintain accurate billing records, foster transparency with clients, and improve overall efficiency within their legal practice.

The Foundation of Time Tracking for Attorneys

Time tracking forms the bedrock of a successful legal practice. It serves as a multifaceted tool that enables attorneys to fulfill their responsibilities to clients, manage projects efficiently, and measure their own productivity. Let’s delve into the foundational aspects of time tracking for attorneys.

One of the primary purposes of time tracking for attorneys is client billing. Attorneys typically bill their clients based on the time spent working on their cases. Accurate time records are essential to provide clients with transparent and detailed invoices that accurately reflect the services rendered.

By tracking time diligently, attorneys can ensure that clients are billed fairly and have a clear understanding of the value they receive.

Time tracking also plays a vital role in project management within a legal practice. By tracking time spent on different tasks and cases, attorneys can allocate resources effectively, set realistic deadlines, and manage their workload efficiently.

It enables them to identify bottlenecks, assess the progress of ongoing projects, and make informed decisions regarding resource allocation and prioritization.

Furthermore, time tracking serves as a valuable metric for measuring attorney productivity. By analyzing time data, attorneys can gain insights into their work patterns, identify areas of improvement, and optimize their efficiency.

It allows them to evaluate the effectiveness of different work methods, prioritize tasks, and streamline their workflows for enhanced productivity.

In addition to these practical benefits, attorneys have ethical obligations to maintain accurate and detailed time records. Legal professional codes of conduct often require attorneys to keep proper time records as part of their duty to maintain integrity and provide competent representation.

Time Tracking Tools

Accurate time tracking demonstrates professionalism and accountability, ensuring that attorneys meet their ethical obligations and maintain trust with clients and the legal community.

To establish a solid foundation for effective time management, attorneys must set up a reliable time tracking system.

This system should be robust, easy to use, and adaptable to their specific needs. Various time tracking tools and software solutions are available that cater specifically to the legal profession, offering features such as time entry apps, timers, and calendar integrations.

It is crucial to select a time tracking system that seamlessly integrates with existing workflows and practice management tools. By choosing the right system, attorneys can streamline the time tracking process, reduce administrative overhead, and ensure accurate and consistent records.

In summary, time tracking forms the foundation of a successful legal practice. It facilitates fair client billing, enables efficient project management, and serves as a metric for measuring attorney productivity.

Additionally, maintaining accurate time records aligns with attorneys’ ethical obligations and builds trust with clients. By establishing a reliable time tracking system, attorneys can lay the groundwork for effective time management, enhancing their practice’s efficiency and productivity.

How Do Attorneys Keep Track of Their Time – Leveraging Technology

In the digital age, technology has revolutionized the way attorneys track their time. With the availability of specialized time tracking tools and software designed specifically for the legal profession, attorneys can streamline their time tracking processes and unlock numerous benefits.

Let’s explore how attorneys can leverage technology to enhance their time tracking practices.

One of the significant advantages of using technology for time tracking is automation. Time tracking software can automate the tedious task of manual entry by capturing time spent on various activities in real-time.

This automation eliminates the need for attorneys to rely on memory or reconstruct their day, ensuring more accurate and detailed time records. By reducing manual data entry, attorneys can save time and focus on their core legal work.

Another benefit of technology is the ease of use offered by dedicated time tracking tools. These tools are designed with attorneys’ specific needs in mind, providing intuitive interfaces and user-friendly features.

Attorneys can easily track their time with just a few clicks, making the process seamless and efficient. This simplicity encourages consistent time tracking habits and reduces the likelihood of overlooking billable activities.

Time Tracking Software for Attorneys

Several popular time tracking software options cater specifically to attorneys and their unique requirements. Time entry apps provide attorneys with the flexibility to track time on the go using their mobile devices.

These apps often offer features such as timers, task categorization, and notes, making it easy to capture billable activities in real-time, even when away from the office.

Timer-based software solutions are also widely used. Attorneys can start and stop timers for specific tasks or projects, accurately capturing the time spent on each activity. These timers can be configured to prompt users to enter detailed descriptions or client/matter information, ensuring comprehensive time records.

Additionally, calendar integrations are valuable for attorneys who rely heavily on scheduling. Time tracking software that integrates with calendars allows attorneys to link their time entries directly to specific events or meetings, simplifying the process of associating time with client matters and providing a comprehensive overview of their daily activities.

By leveraging technology, attorneys can optimize their time tracking practices and reap the benefits of automation, ease of use, and integration.

Investing in specialized time tracking software tailored to the legal profession empowers attorneys to track their time accurately, enhance productivity, and streamline their overall practice management.

Establishing Time Management Strategies

Effectively managing time is a critical skill for attorneys to maintain productivity, meet deadlines, and ensure accurate time tracking. In this section, we will explore various time management strategies that attorneys can employ to optimize their workflow and enhance their time tracking practices.

Setting Priorities

Prioritization is key to managing time effectively. Attorneys should identify their most important tasks and allocate dedicated time to tackle them. By focusing on high-priority activities, attorneys can ensure that crucial work is completed promptly and prevent unnecessary time wastage.

Creating Schedules

Creating schedules or daily plans provides structure and helps attorneys stay organized. Breaking down tasks into manageable chunks and assigning specific time slots for each activity improves time management.

Attorneys can use digital calendars or specialized scheduling tools to map out their day, ensuring that they allocate sufficient time for both billable and non-billable work.

Establishing Routines

Routines foster consistency and productivity. By establishing regular routines, attorneys develop disciplined habits that enable them to approach tasks more efficiently.

Consistency in daily practices, such as dedicating a specific time for administrative work or client communication, creates a sense of rhythm and allows for better time allocation.

Time Blocking

Time blocking involves assigning specific blocks of time to specific tasks or categories of work. Attorneys can allocate uninterrupted periods for focused work, such as legal research, drafting documents, or client consultations. This technique enhances productivity by minimizing distractions and optimizing concentration on specific tasks.

Task Batching

Task batching involves grouping similar tasks together and completing them consecutively. Attorneys can categorize their work, such as research tasks, drafting tasks, or client communication, and allocate specific blocks of time to handle each category.

This approach reduces context switching, improves efficiency, and enables attorneys to track time more accurately by focusing on one type of task at a time.

Avoiding Multitasking

Multitasking can be counterproductive, leading to reduced efficiency and accuracy. Attorneys should strive to focus on one task at a time, dedicating their full attention to each activity. By avoiding multitasking, attorneys can complete tasks more effectively and track time more precisely.

Implementing these time management strategies empowers attorneys to maximize their productivity and streamline their time tracking efforts.

By setting priorities, creating schedules, establishing routines, leveraging techniques like time blocking, and avoiding multitasking, attorneys can enhance their overall time management practices and ensure accurate time tracking.

How Do Attorneys Keep Track of Their Time – Maintaining Accuracy and Detail in Time Tracking

How Do Attorneys Keep Track of Their Time

Accurate and detailed time tracking is crucial for attorneys to ensure transparency, fairness in billing, and effective management of their legal practice. In this section, we will discuss best practices that attorneys can follow to maintain precision and thoroughness in their time tracking efforts.

Real-Time Timekeeping

It is essential to record time entries as close to the actual activity as possible. Logging time contemporaneously minimizes the risk of forgetting or inaccurately estimating the duration of tasks. Attorneys should make it a habit to enter their time promptly after completing a task or immediately following a meeting or phone call.

Capture All Billable Activities

Attorneys should make a conscious effort to capture all billable activities. It’s not just about recording the time spent in court or during client meetings.

Other crucial activities, such as

  • legal research,
  • document drafting,
  • reviewing correspondence,
  • preparing for depositions,
  • and communication with opposing counsel,

should also be meticulously logged. Each task contributes to the value delivered to clients and should be accounted for in time tracking.

How Do Attorneys Keep Track of Their Time – Utilizing Detailed Descriptions

When recording time entries, attorneys should provide clear and concise descriptions of the work performed. This helps in two ways: First, it enables clients to understand the services rendered and enhances transparency.

Second, detailed descriptions assist attorneys in later reference or when generating reports or invoices. Descriptions should include relevant case or matter details, the specific nature of the work performed, and any significant outcomes or progress made.

Utilize Technology

Leveraging time tracking software can significantly assist in maintaining accuracy and detail. Choose a software solution that allows for comprehensive time entry and provides options for adding detailed descriptions and matter-specific information.

The ability to link time entries directly to clients, matters, or tasks streamlines the tracking process and ensures accurate allocation of time.

Regularly Review and Audit Time Entries

Attorneys should periodically review their time entries to ensure accuracy and completeness. Regularly auditing time records helps identify any omissions, inconsistencies, or potential errors. This practice ensures that all billable activities are accounted for and provides an opportunity for corrections or adjustments if needed.

How Do Attorneys Keep Track of Their Time – Overcoming Challenges

Tracking time accurately can be challenging for attorneys due to the nature of their work, which often involves interruptions, multitasking, and unexpected disruptions.

In this section, we will address these common challenges and provide strategies and tips to help attorneys overcome them, minimize time leakage, and maximize billable hours.

Dealing with Interruptions

Interruptions can disrupt concentration and make it difficult to accurately track time. To address this challenge, attorneys can implement strategies such as:

  • Communicating Boundaries: Clearly communicate to colleagues, staff, and clients about dedicated periods of focused work. Request that non-urgent matters be addressed during specific times to minimize interruptions.
  • Setting Aside Buffer Time: Allocate dedicated buffer time between tasks or meetings to account for unexpected interruptions or urgent matters that may arise.
  • Using “Do Not Disturb” or Focus Modes: Utilize technology features like “Do Not Disturb” or focus modes on devices to minimize distractions during critical work periods.

Managing Multitasking
Multitasking can hinder productivity and accuracy in time tracking. Attorneys can employ the following strategies to mitigate the challenges of multitasking:

  • Prioritizing and Sequencing Tasks: Identify high-priority tasks and focus on completing them one at a time. By prioritizing and sequencing tasks, attorneys can avoid the pitfalls of juggling multiple activities simultaneously.
  • Utilizing Time Blocking: Allocate specific time blocks for focused work on individual tasks or categories of work. By dedicating uninterrupted time to each task, attorneys can minimize the temptation to multitask and maintain accuracy in time tracking.

How Do Attorneys Keep Track of Their Time – Handling Unexpected Disruptions

Despite careful planning, unexpected disruptions can occur. Here are some strategies to manage such disruptions effectively:

  • Flexible Scheduling: Maintain a level of flexibility in your schedule to accommodate unexpected disruptions without completely derailing your planned work.
  • Adjusting Priorities: Assess the urgency and impact of the disruption and adjust priorities accordingly. Determine whether the disrupted task needs immediate attention or can be rescheduled without compromising other commitments.
  • Communicating Proactively: If a disruption affects deadlines or deliverables, promptly communicate with clients, colleagues, or stakeholders to manage expectations and negotiate new timelines if necessary.

Minimizing Time Leakage and Maximizing Billable Hours

To ensure efficient time tracking and maximize billable hours, attorneys can consider the following tips:

  • Time Blocking for Administrative Tasks: Allocate specific time blocks for administrative or non-billable activities, such as email management, documentation, or professional development. By assigning dedicated time, attorneys can minimize the risk of these tasks encroaching on billable hours.
  • Regular Time Entry: Develop a habit of entering time regularly and promptly. This practice ensures accuracy and prevents time from being forgotten or lost. Consider setting reminders or using time tracking software with reminders to prompt regular time entries.
  • Utilizing Technology and Automation: Leverage time tracking software that offers automation features, such as capturing time spent on specific tasks or events automatically. This helps reduce manual data entry and ensures accurate tracking of billable activities.

By implementing these strategies and tips, attorneys can overcome common time tracking challenges, minimize time leakage, and maximize their billable hours.

The ability to manage interruptions, handle multitasking effectively, and navigate unexpected disruptions will contribute to accurate time tracking and efficient time management.

Enhancing Accountability and Collaboration

Enhancing Accountability and Collaboration

Time tracking goes beyond individual productivity and billing. It also plays a crucial role in enhancing accountability and fostering collaboration within a legal team and with clients.

Let us explore how attorneys can leverage time tracking to improve accountability, strengthen collaboration, and build trust.

Improving Accountability within a Legal Team

Time tracking encourages accountability among team members by providing visibility into each individual’s contributions and workload. By sharing time reports or summaries within the team, attorneys can promote transparency and ensure that everyone is aware of the efforts invested in various tasks or cases.

Time tracking data enables team leaders to effectively monitor progress, identify potential bottlenecks, and make informed decisions regarding resource allocation. It facilitates fair workload distribution and ensures that each team member’s contributions are acknowledged and valued.

Strengthening Collaboration with Clients

Sharing time reports with clients demonstrates transparency and builds trust. Clients appreciate a clear breakdown of the time spent on their matters, as it allows them to understand the value they receive and evaluate the cost-effectiveness of legal services.

Transparent time tracking reinforces the attorney-client relationship and fosters open communication.

Time reports also provide an opportunity for clients to provide feedback or raise concerns regarding the time spent on specific tasks. This feedback loop strengthens collaboration, as it allows attorneys to address any questions or issues promptly, leading to improved client satisfaction.

Effective Communication and Project Planning

Time tracking data serves as a valuable communication tool. Attorneys can use this data to communicate progress, provide updates, and manage client expectations.

By sharing accurate time reports, attorneys can demonstrate the efforts invested in each task or phase of a project, ensuring clients are well-informed and engaged.

Time tracking data also informs project planning and resource allocation. By analyzing time data from past cases or similar matters, attorneys can make more accurate estimates for future projects, set realistic timelines, and allocate appropriate resources.

This data-driven approach enhances project management and improves overall efficiency within the legal practice.

By leveraging time tracking to improve accountability and collaboration, attorneys can establish a culture of transparency, trust, and effective communication. Sharing time reports with clients fosters transparency and builds trust, while within a legal team, time tracking promotes accountability and enables better project planning and resource allocation.

By using time data as a foundation for communication and decision-making, attorneys can enhance collaboration, deliver exceptional client service, and optimize the overall efficiency of their legal practice.


Accurate time tracking is not only essential for individual productivity and billing but also serves as a catalyst for enhancing accountability and collaboration within a legal practice. By leveraging time tracking, attorneys can promote transparency, build trust with clients, and improve collaboration within their legal teams.

By sharing time reports, utilizing effective communication, and using time data for project planning and resource allocation, attorneys can optimize their practice management, deliver value to clients, and foster a culture of accountability and collaboration. Embracing time tracking as a comprehensive tool empowers attorneys to excel in their profession and drive success in their legal practice.

In conclusion, we encourage attorneys to adopt reliable time tracking methods and leverage technology to optimize their productivity and billing. We emphasize that mastering time tracking is an ongoing process that requires consistent practice and refinement for long-term success.

By implementing effective time tracking strategies, attorneys can enhance their practice management, deliver value to clients, and achieve greater efficiency and success in their legal careers.

Jelena Lukic

Jelena has a Master’s Degree in teaching Serbian literature and language. Creative writing is her biggest passion.

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