Best Time Management Software for HR Firms

Best Time Management Software for HR Firms

May 18, 2022

HR professionals are often considered the key employees of their companies. And with reason. They are the binding agent that makes sure everyone is working in tune, and there are no underlying issues between staff members. This isn’t easy work, so they need HR time management software solutions most of the time.

Relying on time management software used to be a novelty in the business world until relatively recently. However, in the last two and a half years many people started working from home. This huge change has impacted the way we observe work. And, it also made HR companies more necessary than ever.

That is why we have found the seven best time management software solutions for the companies that keep other businesses afloat.

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1. Time Analytics

time analytics

Time Analytics is a time tracking and management software that can help any HR professional keep track of all the employees in their company.

This HR time management software relies on electronic timesheets. That means the employees will enter their time data – including the tasks, projects, and clients they’ve worked on into the timesheet.

This may sound like serious and hard work, but Time Analytics is well-known for its simple user interface. Simply put, ease of use is one of the primary focuses of the platform. The interface is clean and without any distracting elements, while the commands are streamlined in a way that allows any user to fill in their timesheet. In other words, your industry and the computer skills of your employees won’t hinder the use of the platform.

There are two main ways to use the time tracking feature – by entering your time spent on different tasks manually or by creating timers that measure the time for any given task automatically. Both methods are simplified by the ability to use previous entries as guidelines, or even save them as forms the employees will use every day.

Finding your best and worst-performing employees and clients is truly simple with Time Analytics. The platform tracks spent time by task, project, employee, and client, so you can be 100% sure of its accuracy.

Even though the HR departments will get a lot of information through this time management software, the higher-ups will benefit from it even more. Namely, they will be able to analyze their progress and the current state of their business and make informed decisions about the future steps they should be taking. This can mean negotiating existing prices, dropping unprofitable clients, adding new team members to the teams that are under the biggest stress at any given moment, etc.


There are many features that make this HR time management software extremely useful for the HR professionals, the management, as well as the end-users (employees).

Time tracking is a feature that allows team members as well as the management and HR to see how long a certain task takes to complete. This is a great way to check in with your team and their workload. The most important benefit of this feature for HR lies in the comparison between different employees’ results. It allows you to easily find the employees who are struggling with their current workload by noting they need more time to finish a task most of their coworkers complete rather quickly.

HR has the important task of taking care of the staff and making sure no one is experiencing burnout or overworking. Having this data ready will make it a lot easier to notice the problems and react in due time.

Reports are another important feature. Time Analytics takes the data the employees enter into their timesheets and turns it into reports. You can use the reports to track your team’s activities in real-time or to compare them to the previous fiscal periods. The platform offers a plethora of different reports, including employee and client activity, as well as financial activity.

Billing and invoicing is a great feature of this HR time management software. We have already mentioned how important it is for a company to keep its reputation with its clients. Additionally, it is also crucial to maintain a good relationship with your clients. You can keep your business’s reputation by delivering accurate itemized invoices. Time Analytics offers each employee to mark their work hours as either billable or non-billable, and the program will allocate these hours to clients. It also offers an Excel integration, allowing you to add these itemized lists to your bills.

Time off requests is one of the most useful HR-related features of the software. The employees can request eight types of time off, and the HR department can approve these requests with a simple click. Time Analytics gives you the opportunity to manage employee time off very simply and never end up short-staffed again.


Time Analytics offers multiple plans that can fit any company’s needs, no matter how large or small your team is. Here are the plans and their monthly pricing.

  • Free
  • Starter – $4.99 per user per month
  • Optimum – $6.99 per user per month
  • Premium – $12.99 per user per month

Trial period

14 days

Try Time Analytics free for 14 days.

2. actiTIME

actiTime Record Work Hours

actiTIME is an HR time management software solution best suited for small teams. The employees keep track of the time they spend on different tasks and projects. Project managers and HR can analyze these reports and prepare for their future steps.

The platform allows managers to create projects, divide them into tasks, and allocate said tasks to individual team members. This way you will be able to track each team member’s time and assess their performance. As you can imagine, this is also important for the HR sector, as they will have a great amount of data on employee activity at their fingertips.


Reports – understand which employees are at the top of their game and which ones need additional help or some rest for a long-term increase in productivity.

Project management – track the differences between the estimated and realistic time needed for any task. This way you will be able to bring your busiest teams some backup and give more realistic estimates in the future.

Customizability – no matter your industry and the size of your company, you will be able to adjust actiTIME’s interface to fit your needs


The pricing of actiTIME depends on the number of users.

  • 1-3 users – free
  • 1-40 users – $7 per user per month
  • 41-200 users – $6 per user per month
  • 200+ users – fixed cost

Trial period

30 days

3. Timesheets by QuickBooks

Timesheets by QuickBooks


Timesheets (also known as QuickBooks Time or Tsheets) is another HR time management software solution that relies on timesheets. The options for filling out the sheets are either through a time clock or manually. The platform offers many useful features, like project time management and tracking, expense monitoring, as well as an HR suite that features time-off management and employee documentation, like employee files and notes, evaluation charts, training manuals, etc.

As Timesheets was created by QuickBooks, it is quite understandable the HR time management software is fully integrated with the accounting platform. That is to say, the payroll process is quite simple, with all salaries being the direct result of employee hours entered in Timesheets.


Time tracking – whether you prefer manual entry or automatic time tracking, Timesheets will be there for your team, tracking time by the employee, client, and project.

HR suite – keep all information on your employees organized in one place. Navigate their documentation with ease and find any piece of information you need in a couple of clicks.

Payroll – the integration with QuickBooks allows Timesheets to deliver all necessary data when it comes to accurate salaries. Never over or underpay a single employee and keep your reputation with your employees as high as possible.


There are two elements you will be paying – the basic monthly fee and the fee for each employee.

  • Premium – $20 + $8 per user per month
  • Elite – $40 + $10 per user per month

Trial period

30 days

4. Buddy Punch

Buddy Punch

Buddy Punch is a web-based HR time management software that offers many customization options. the platform offers numerous integrations, so you’ll be able to simply add it to your current workflow (including the business software solutions you are already using.

The basic function of Buddy punch is to track the time needed for specific tasks and projects. This will allow you to manage projects and make more accurate estimates for future jobs similar in scope.

One of Buddy punch’s best features is the automatic recognition of hours as regular time, overtime, and even double time. This means the HR team will be notified whenever an employee is staying for overtime. Additionally, your company will remain DCAA compliant, as the management will be notified as well and compensate the employee fairly.


Time tracking – this includes attendance, overtime, and time off. In other words, you’ll always know which team members are at your disposal and how much they’re working

IP monitoring – this feature allows employers to see where the team members who work remotely are. In other words, it helps you make sure the person is at their workplace even if the said workplace is outside your office

Push notifications – the software sends out push notifications to the employees who haven’t logged in and sends reminders to the ones who aren’t working.


Buddy Punch also charges a base monthly fee and adds it to the fees for each employee

  • Standard – $19 base monthly fee + $3.49 per user per month
  • Pro – $19 base monthly fee + $4.49 per user per month
  • Enterprise – custom plan

Trial period

30 days

5. GoodDay


This modern HR time tracking software solution is filled with powerful and easy-to-use features. It contains project management tools that cover the entire business process. You can plan a project, monitor it through Kanban boards and Gantt charts, and receive reports on employee performance.

All of these elements are important for the HR department. They can check in on any project at any time and see whether there are any issues during the process. The platform itself offers many possibilities for interface customization. This means the employees will be able to make the program work for them.

Project monitoring is one of GoodDay’s biggest advantages, as you can track any project in real-time and compare its progress and expenses to your estimates.


Time tracking – an integrated task timer will measure exactly how long an employee spends on each of their tasks. This will bring a high level of transparency to your business.

Visualization – see the progress of your projects through Kanban boards and Gantt charts for a better understanding of their progress and budget predictions

Project documenting – keep all your files in one place, add notes to your work or chat with your coworkers no matter where you are.


  • Free (1-15 users)
  • Professional (5-250 users) – $6 per user per month
  • Enterprise (25+ users) – custom plan depending on your organization’s size

Trial period

No information

6. Hubstaff


If you are looking for an HR time management software solution that will allow you a firmer grasp on your workforce, Hubstaff could be just the solution for you. This platform’s basic time tracking feature is free, but you will have to pay for other options.

The design of the application is clean and leaves no space for mistakes neither on the employees’ nor the management’s side. Time tracking – the main basis for all other features and the success of the software – is very simple, and brings a high level of transparency to the workplace.

Hubstaff enables managers to create deadlines for certain tasks, as well as set up budgets for each step of the way. That’s what makes the platform so useful when dealing with a remote team.


Time tracking – track time through a simple web, desktop, and mobile app. Time tracking can be done through a single click once you choose the specific project and task.

GPS tracking – check where your employees are during their work hours. This is possible even for remote and field teams, as the application is available on mobile.

Automated payroll – pay your employees accurately based on their logged hours, and never worry about being unfair or overpaying the slackers.


  • Free
  • Time Starter – $7 per user per month
  • Time Pro – $10 per user per month
  • Enterprise – custom plan

Trial period

14 days

7. is yet another time tracking platform that doubles as an HR time management software. The designers of the platform have focused on making it as visually intuitive as possible. Any user can successfully utilize its features even though they may not be the most computer-savvy.

Time tracking and collaboration tools are some of the best features provides. All important files and documentation are stored within the program, so the users can access them with ease. Not to mention the chances of losing something crucial are slim to none.

You can track billable and non-billable hours and generate invoices based on them. Project planning and the assignment of tasks are also very simple, so you will never miscalculate an invoice.


Workflow management – create and adjust workflows for each project, team, or employee so your workforce is never under too much stress.

Collaboration – an instant communication tool that allows employees to make notes, share files, and receive feedback from their colleagues whenever they need it.

Integrations – use alongside other work programs you are already using. Avoid transferring from one platform to another by simply integrating them.


  • Free
  • Basic – $10 per user per month
  • Standard – $12 per user per month
  • Pro – $20 per user per month
  • Enterprise – custom plan

Trial period

14 days


HR departments are some of the most important parts of any company. Their tasks include

  • Managing the relationships between the management and the employees
  • Finding, hiring, and training newly employed staff
  • Making sure the employees feel content with their workplace
  • Providing safety and protection for all teams
  • Managing compliance and company risks

And more. That is to say, they are the system that connects all teams to management and vice versa. Depending on the size of the company and the involvement of the HR team this can become a huge problem. That is why HR time management software has become a necessity. It is especially important when managing multiple companies.

Make sure you, and the entirety of your clients’ teams, are functioning to the best of your abilities. We are hoping some of the platforms we’ve presented in this article will be just the right solution for you!



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