How do architects track billable hours?

How do architects track billable hours?

October 17, 2022

What’s the best way to track billable hours? That’s a question architects ask themselves every day.

As an architect, you want to be able to bill for every minute of your time. You need a way to keep track of how much time you spend on each project and whether it was billable.

In the past, architects have struggled to keep track of their time.

Timekeeping was an area where many architects used to struggle.

For decades, many architects relied on paper timesheets and notebooks as their primary means of tracking billable hours. But these days, the advent of timekeeping software has made it easier for firms to optimize the way they manage their practices.

What started as clunky and cumbersome has become a beautiful and streamlined procedure.

You’re an architect, and you have a problem. You need to be able to track time for billing purposes, but also for project management purposes. You could keep track of this on paper…but that would probably be difficult and time consuming. As it turns out, there are several different ways architects can manage their billable hours—and they’re all really cool!

Time management software or architecture billing software is designed to keep track of all the necessary data

You can use time management software to keep track of your billable hours and related data. This automation will help you ensure that you’re on top of your time, billing rates, and overhead costs. It will also help you create more accurate estimates for the projects you take on, so that your income matches up with expenses.

A few benefits of using this type of software are:

  • You won’t have to worry about setting aside time for bookkeeping or manually tracking billable hours
  • Multiple people in the office can use it at once
  • It saves paper waste

Architects can log in wherever they are, right away.

There’s no need to go back to the office, so you can log in from anywhere. You don’t have to worry about tracking hours or timesheets or double entries—it’s all done automatically for you. It’s a lot less stressful and time-consuming, too!

You won’t have to worry about losing or misplacing your timesheets either—they’re securely stored in cloud-based system where they’ll be safe and sound.

The new era of timekeeping software allows architects to manage their own time, as well as that of their entire staff.

According to a survey by the American Institute of Architects (AIA), the average annual billable hours for architects are around 1,200 hours per year—and this number has been steadily increasing since the early 1990s. It’s no wonder that managing all that time can be tough! Fortunately, there are tools out there to help you keep track and make sure your staff is spending most of their day working on paying projects instead of Facebook memes or whatever else happens in offices when no one’s looking.

The first step is setting up an account with a cloud-based project management system like Asana or Basecamp that can integrate with your existing client management software like ProjectWise or Primavera Contract Manager (or whatever other system you use). Once you’ve got access to an interactive dashboard where everyone can see how much work has been completed and what tasks are still left undone, it will be easier than ever before for managers.

A well-implemented system will allow you to stay within budget

As an architect, you’ve probably spent a lot of time thinking about how to keep your clients happy and your projects on track. But have you ever thought about how to make sure that the people who work with you stay on task? Often, architects can feel like their hands are tied when it comes to tracking billable hours — it’s hard enough just getting the work done.

But there are ways around this problem. A well-implemented system will allow you to stay within budget while also relieving some stress and keeping your eyes on the prize — bringing in more revenue for your firm. With practice and some forethought, architects can find a way to make everything flow smoothly: from meetings with clients (so important!) all the way down through design reviews and project management tasks.

Architects should use a good timekeeping solution like Time Analytics.

Architects should use a good timekeeping solution like Time Analytics. It’s a cloud-based solution that allows architects to track their time from anywhere. The software is simple and easy to use, so even if you’re not tech-savvy, you’ll be able to set it up without any issues.

With over a thousand businesses using Time Analytics worldwide, it’s also affordable, which means it can be used by small firms as well as big ones.


Being able to track your time is important, even if you’re not billing clients. You need to keep track of how long it takes you to complete a task so that you know when a project will be finished. This will help ensure that you don’t overwork yourself or underbill clients for your services.

In addition to tracking billable hours, it’s also important for architects to keep track of their non-billable hours. This way they can determine how much time they spend on projects versus administrative tasks like managing budgets or other administrative responsibilities.

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