Top 10 Productivity Tips for Accountants

Top 10 Productivity Tips for Accountants

October 10, 2022

You’re an accountant for a reason: You’re good at numbers and analyzing data. But that doesn’t mean you have to be chained to your desk all day. As an accountant, there are many ways to boost productivity while staying efficient and effective.

Here are 10 tips that can help you increase your output while decreasing stress levels.

productivity tips for accountants

1. Make sure you’re working on the right tasks.

It’s easy to get caught up in the urgency of high-priority projects and forget that other tasks also need to be completed. The best way to avoid this trap is by using a task management system that properly categorizes your work into different areas, such as client work or marketing activities. This will help you prioritize those areas that are most important for long-term success and growth.

  • Don’t take on too much yourself.

Sometimes it feels like no one else can do your job—but that’s not true! It’s important to remember that there may be someone out there who could complete a certain task better than you could or faster than you would normally be able to complete it yourself (and at less cost).

2. Automate as much as possible.

Automating repetitive tasks means that you can focus on more important work, and it also frees up your time so that you can do more of what matters to your business.

Automating tasks that take up a lot of time is also a great way to use your time more effectively.

For example, if an employee in your office spends 30 minutes every day responding to emails about company events or meeting requests from clients, send an automated email response stating the times and locations for those events instead of having them do it manually every day.

This will result in less wasted time for everyone involved and save money by reducing the cost of hiring additional staff members (which is especially important if you have limited resources).

Automate any task not relevant or important enough for someone at your company’s level to handle manually (e.g., scheduling social media posts). You don’t want people wasting their valuable minutes (and therefore money) doing unimportant things like this when they could be focusing on other projects instead! It’s also helpful if there are tasks outside of work hours which fall under this category; this prevents employees from having too many things cluttering their mind while sleeping or spending time with family members instead.”

3. Have a time-tracking system.

A time-tracking system is one of the best ways to ensure you’re keeping track of all your hours. By using a time-tracking app, you’ll be able to keep a record of when and how long you spend on each task. This will help prevent double-tracking, triple-tracking and other forms of unintentional misreporting.

4. Avoid work distractions.

  • Make a time blocking app for your tasks.
  • Turn off notifications on your phone and email client, especially when working on a task that requires concentration.
  • Use the Pomodoro Technique to focus on your work for a specific amount of time before taking breaks.

5. Be aware of your body’s needs.

Being aware of your body’s needs is key to being productive. For example, if you’ve been sitting in one place for an extended period of time, your muscles may go into a state of tension as they try to compensate for the lack of movement. This can be very distracting, and it’s important to make sure that you take regular breaks throughout the day so that your body doesn’t have to deal with this type of stress at all times.

If a break is not possible (like if you’re working from home), try stretching or walking around for a few minutes each hour. Don’t let exhaustion set in!

6. Use your calendar to schedule blocks of time for high-priority tasks.

The first step to getting your work done is to schedule blocks of time for high-priority tasks. This tip is simple, but it can be difficult for accountants because of the nature of their job. When you’re working with clients, you have to respond quickly and efficiently—and that means multitasking. However, this can really backfire when it comes time for a big project like tax season or financial statements preparation, so make sure that you set aside enough time in advance so you don’t get overwhelmed by client requests during crunch times!

For example: If your company has an annual tax filing deadline coming up on March 15th this year (yes!), then it would be wise not only to block off most of January through February as busy months but also set aside specific days/times within those weeks where nothing else gets scheduled except working on taxes…maybe even blocking off some weekends too!

7. Embrace cloud computing solutions.

Cloud computing is the future of technology, and it’s a great way to help you be more productive. With cloud solutions you can:

  • Save time by eliminating the need to store and back up your data locally (if you don’t want to)
  • Keep your data secure in the cloud, instead of on your computer or server at home or in the office (if you don’t want to)
  • Collaborate with other people on your team without worrying about access rights and permissions (if they have them), since all team members can access their own version of the file via any device they like

8. Automate document management processes.

  • Automate document management processes. A cloud-based document management system software can help you automate the process of sorting and filing your client’s documents. This is a great way to create a paperless office, which will save time and money in the long run.
  • Use a cloud-based accounting system that integrates with other SaaS tools like an online CRM or time tracking software so you can easily share data across multiple platforms without manually inputting it into each tool individually.

9. Personally connect with your clients and prospects.

Personal connection is key in any business relationship, but for accountants, it’s especially important. The best way to make a personal connection with your clients and prospects is by calling them on the phone or meeting them in person.

A lot of people are afraid to talk on the phone because they’re worried about sounding awkward or unprofessional; but if you can be yourself and show interest in your client’s life while talking to them, they will appreciate it.

When you make a good first impression with someone who has never heard of your business before, that person will remember how much fun he or she had talking with you and then likely recommend his/her friends and family members as potential clients too!

10. Outsource your bookkeeping services to save time and energy.

Outsourcing your bookkeeping services is a great way to save time and energy. This allows you to focus on other parts of your business, like growing your client base or building relationships with referral partners.

Outsourcing can also help you find a good bookkeeper through referrals or online reviews. You should look for someone who has experience in accounting, tax preparation and payroll processing as well as one who has references from previous clients. Bookkeeping is also a specialized skill that requires training—so make sure any outsourced service provider understands this before hiring them!

These productivity tips will save you hours every week!

Bojan’s top 10 productivity tips for accountants:

  • 1. Avoid meetings like the plague. Meetings are notorious time-wasters, and unfortunately, most accountants find themselves in a meeting at least once a day (or more). If you’re looking for ways to reduce your workload and increase your efficiency, try avoiding as many meetings as possible. This can be done by setting up a “no meeting” reminder or simply telling your colleagues that you’re not interested in attending any unnecessary meetings.
  • 2. The Pomodoro Technique is an excellent way to get more done in less time by taking short breaks throughout the day while working on one task at a time instead of multitasking. To use this technique effectively, set aside 25 minutes every hour (or whatever works best for you) to work on one task without distraction while listening to music or doing something else that helps stimulate creativity like coloring books! Take 5 minute breaks after every 3 Pomodoros (a pomodoro is 25 minutes), then repeat!
  • 3 Use software such as Toggl or Time Analytics so that we don’t waste any precious hours staring at screens without even realizing it! These apps will tell us exactly how long we spent working today so we can adjust our schedules accordingly if necessary.”


These tips are designed to help you make the most of your time and energy in your accounting practice. With this system, you’ll be able to save hours every week!

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