7 Productivity Tips for Architects

7 Productivity Tips for Architects

December 1, 2022

As an architect, there’s always lots of tasks to get done.

You need to manage clients, deal with contractors, and make sure everything is built according to the plans.

That said, it’s critical for you to stay productive so that you can get through all of these things in a timely manner.

Here are some of my favorite productivity tips for architects—they’ll help keep your schedule on track!

productivity Tips for Architects

Focus on what matters

So what matters most?

What do you want to focus on?

How can you best use your time to accomplish your goals and be successful?

These are some questions that architects need to ask themselves regularly.

When setting priorities, it is important to know where you want to go and how long it will take you to get there.

This helps determine what tasks are most important in the near future and whether or not they should be tackled first.

If a project is dependent upon another project being completed before it can begin, then this needs to be taken into consideration when setting priorities for yourself as well as others within your company/office space environment such as contractors working on larger projects at once (e..g., building renovations).

It’s also extremely helpful if everyone involved with each client has their own set of objectives so they know exactly what needs done prior meeting deadlines or times needed by clients; otherwise, people might end up wasting time wondering why deadlines weren’t met when actually someone else didn’t complete certain tasks effectively enough beforehand which resulted in delays.

Avoid distractions

Turn off notifications.If you’re trying to get some work done, turn off your phone’s notifications and set it to airplane mode. This will stop people from being able to contact or distract you while they try to reach you via text, email, or social media.

Close your email!Or better yet, consider blocking all emails for a few hours so only the important ones get through (this is what we do at work). I know it sounds drastic but after shutting down my inbox for a day I was able to focus on actual important tasks instead of answering banal requests from coworkers that were not actually urgent at all.
Plus: no more unread message numbers cluttering up my status bar!

Put your phone on airplane mode before entering a meeting room with clients so they won’t be distracted by any pings coming from their phones during our meeting time together as well as when we walk around outside away from other buildings’ wireless signals so we can talk about anything else besides architecture (like sports teams!).

Use a project management app

Once you have a project management app, you can begin to use it. You’ll want to consider the features of the time tracking app and how they will help you manage your projects and time. Some of these features include:

Templates. A template is essentially an example that can be copied into a new file, allowing for faster organization and completion of tasks in your workflow. By using templates, engineers know what is expected out of certain projects, so they don’t have to reinvent the wheel every time they start something new!

Assignments or tasks that can be sent out via email or text message (if this is an option). This way everyone knows what has been assigned without having to check back constantly on their own devices – which saves both time AND battery life too!

Take your projects outside the office

Go for a walk. The health benefits of walking are well-documented, and it’s easy to do on your lunch break. Whether you take a stroll around the neighborhood or find a park with trails that offer serene views, it’s an opportunity to clear your head and think deeply about what you’re working on.

Work out. Working out at lunch time also gives you an excuse to get out of the office and away from any distractions—and perhaps even meet up with colleagues in person! If working out isn’t your thing, try going for a run or hitting the gym instead (or both).

Visit the coffee shop. Going somewhere else will help break up monotony in both body and mind, plus there is nothing like getting outside when the weather starts warming up! Coffee shops are also great places for getting work done because they typically offer free Wi-Fi without being too noisy or distracting.

Take care of yourself

Eat well, get enough sleep, and exercise regularly.
Don’t work too much, or you risk burnout or mental fatigue.
You will also be more productive when you are healthy so make sure you take some time off to rest and recharge your batteries.

Don’t work when you are sick. If you have a cold or flu, do not go into the office! This is one of those times when you should call in sick because working while being ill can cause further damage to your body which could slow down recovery time (and productivity).

Don’t work when tired.Most people have trouble concentrating when they get sleepy so try not to take on projects that require high levels of concentration during these periods of low energy levels.
Instead, delegate tasks that don’t require great attention at those times or simply postpone them until later in the day when your mind feels sharper and more focused again

Say no to people-pleasers, yes to hard workers

Being an architect can be a very isolating job.
There are so many things to learn and do, and it’s easy to feel like you’re the only person on earth who knows how to design a building.
In a field where everyone is passionate about buildings and architecture, it’s even harder than most professions to say no when asked for help.

The key is knowing yourself—and what matters most in your life.
If you find yourself saying yes too often and putting in overtime without getting paid for it, then consider how much time that takes away from other meaningful activities or relationships (which could also be productive).
In order for your career to be successful, you need balance in all areas of life: personal relationships; sleep; exercise; relaxation time; etc., not just work productivity!

Stop multitasking

Multitasking is a myth. You cannot and should not try to do multiple things at once. When you are in the middle of something and think about doing something else, stop immediately. Your brain will be able to function more efficiently if it is focused on one single activity at a time.

Focusing, taking breaks, and planning ahead all help you be an effective architect.

  • Focus on what matters.
  • Avoid distractions.
  • Use a project management app to stay organized and prioritize your work.
  • Take your projects outside the office to get fresh air, exercise, and peace of mind.
  • Take care of yourself: eat well, get enough sleep and take breaks as needed to prevent burnout or exhaustion.
  • Say no to people-pleasers who aren’t working hard for you—your clients deserve better than this! Instead, seek out hard workers who can meet their deadlines without needing hand-holding every step of the way.


With all the distractions that come with being an architect, it can be hard to stay focused. Luckily, there are some simple ways you can make sure that your workday doesn’t get derailed.


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