Reporting Archives - Time Analytics Time Analytics Thu, 05 Jan 2023 13:38:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Reporting Archives - Time Analytics 32 32 Dashboard Thu, 05 Jan 2023 13:38:12 +0000 The Dashboard is an overview of time tracking performance fluctuations by month. You can get to the Dashboard by clicking the “Dashboard” button in the main menu’s Analyze section. Only the Admins can see all the data shown on the aggregate company level, while other roles can see only their personal Dashboards. The data in […]

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The Dashboard is an overview of time tracking performance fluctuations by month.

You can get to the Dashboard by clicking the “Dashboard” button in the main menu’s Analyze section.

Only the Admins can see all the data shown on the aggregate company level, while other roles can see only their personal Dashboards.

The data in the upper boxes is shown as a sum from the last 30 days, while the graphs show the monthly fluctuations.


Data and Graphs Explained

  • Total hours – allll hours recorded in last 30 days, also displays the increase (or decrease) compared to the previous comparable period. This is the sum of working and time off hours
  • Work hours – hours recorded as working acitivities in last 30 days, also displays the increase (or decrease) compared to the previous comparable period. This is the sum of billable and non-billable hours.
  • Billable hours – the portion of work hours that is billable to the clients; also displays the increase (or decrease) compared to the previous comparable period
  • Billable utilization – the sharehare of billable hours in work hours; also displays the increase (or decrease) compared to the previous comparable period
  • Total hours graph – the green columns show total recorded work hours by month, the light gray part indicates time off
  • Work hours graph – the purple columns show total billable time by month, while the light gray columns show non-billable time
  • Billable utilization graph – the fluctuation of the share of billable hours within total work hours


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Revenues Thu, 05 Jan 2023 13:36:10 +0000 Hourly based revenue (variable fees) Time Analytics is set to calculate income based on the hours logged for a client multiplied by the billing rate. The billing rate is set up for each team member in the Team Setup. When a team member logs time for a client or a project, a billing rate field […]

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Hourly based revenue (variable fees)

Time Analytics is set to calculate income based on the hours logged for a client multiplied by the billing rate.

The billing rate is set up for each team member in the Team Setup.

When a team member logs time for a client or a project, a billing rate field will appear. The field automatically shows the billing rate set up for the employee during the Team Setup.

However, for specific projects, the employee can change their billing rate when logging time dedicated to that specific project.

Time Analytics multiplies every logged hour by the billing rates to calculate the income. Said income is allocated per client, project, task, and employee. You can track this calculation in the Reporting section.

Keep in mind that you might want to invoice a fee different than the one in Time Analytics. If that happens, you can conduct billing rate adjustments through the Timesheets section or the Timer.

Fixed Fees

Time Analytics doesn’t offer automatic fixed fees tracking.

However, if you want to enter fixed fees manually, you can do it in the following way:

  1. Have the one invoicing person or other person working with the specific client enter the fixed fees for the client based on the invoices or contracts.

  2. The team member will add a new entry to My Timers and choose the client to allocate the fee to.

  3. If you you want to allocate for example $1000 fixed fee: input 00:06 in tracker and 10.000 in billing rate box which results in 1000 of allocated fees. (The assumption is 6 min is needed for invoice preparation and dispatch)

Accordingly, fixed fees won’t be allocated to employees, but will be tracked per client and project.


The costs of performed services are calculated on the basis of hourly cost rates.

In the first step, you need to determine and enter the hourly cost rate for each team member in the Team section.

After that Time Analytics automatically multiples the tracked hours per team member by the determined cost rate and allocates total costs to the projects, clients, and tasks.

As a result, you get full reports indicating the costs per project, task, client, and team member.


Profit is simply calculated as revenue minus cost.

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Visual reports Thu, 05 Jan 2023 13:29:38 +0000 You can view reports in table and graph form. To pick the graphic overview, click the “Graph” button in the Reports section and pick the date range (Alternatively, you can select a pre-determined date range, including Today, This Week, Last Week, This Month, Last Month, This Year). Capacity and billable utilization (Hours Structure graph) Based […]

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You can view reports in table and graph form.

To pick the graphic overview, click the “Graph” button in the Reports section and pick the date range (Alternatively, you can select a pre-determined date range, including Today, This Week, Last Week, This Month, Last Month, This Year).

Capacity and billable utilization (Hours Structure graph)

Based on this graph you can clearly determine:

  • The employees with the most total hours worked

  • The employees with the most billable hours; you can also see a comparison of billable hours between employees

  • Comparison of non-billable hours between employees

  • Each team member’s time utilization

  • Employees who used the most time offs

A Work Hours graph is a report shown for all categories: team members, clients, projects and tasks. Hence, billable hours can be tracked not only for employees, but all other categories as well.

Profit generation graphs


Based on this visual overview, you can clearly see and deduce:

  • The clients generating the biggest profits – top-performing clients

  • The clients generating the biggest losses or insufficient profits – low-performing clients

  • Client margin percentage

  • Client comparison by income, expense, and profit


A Profit Generation graph is a report that encompasses all categories: team members, clients, projects and tasks. So, income, expenses, and profits can be tracked not only for clients, but for all other categories as well.


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Time off reporting Thu, 05 Jan 2023 13:27:18 +0000 A Time Off report shows how many hours employees have been absent during a certain period and filters them by time off type. To view a time off report: Click the Reports section in the main menu Click the Time Off tab in the header Choose your preferred date range from the calendar (Alternatively, you […]

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A Time Off report shows how many hours employees have been absent during a certain period and filters them by time off type. To view a time off report:

  1. Click the Reports section in the main menu
  2. Click the Time Off tab in the header
  3. Choose your preferred date range from the calendar (Alternatively, you can select a pre-determined date range, including Today, This Week, Last Week, This Month, Last Month, This Year).


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Task (activity) reporting Thu, 05 Jan 2023 13:25:46 +0000 Task reports show the task performance, time, income, and expenses for every task in a defined period. To view task performances: Click the Reports section in the main menu Click the Tasks tab in the header Pick a date range from the calendar (Alternatively, you can select a pre-determined date range, including Today, This Week, […]

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Task reports show the task performance, time, income, and expenses for every task in a defined period. To view task performances:

  1. Click the Reports section in the main menu
  2. Click the Tasks tab in the header
  3. Pick a date range from the calendar (Alternatively, you can select a pre-determined date range, including Today, This Week, Last Week, This Month, Last Month, This Year

You will see the table view of all tasks.If you want a visual report, click the “Graph” button.

The data relating to tasks includes:

  • Work hours – hours recorded on work activities – this is the sum of billable and non-billable hours
  • Utilization – the share of billable hours in work hours
  • Revenue – billable hours multiplied by the involved team members’ billing rates entered in the Timer
  • Cost – total recorded hours multiplied by the employee cost (pay) rate
  • Profit – revenue – costs

Insight into details

Click the “Details” button and you will get more details for each task:

  • The team involved in the task with a breakdown of the hours structure per team member
  • Clients related to the task with hours structure per client
  • Tasks performed within the project with hours structure
  • Total number of team members involved in the task and clients that are related to the task

Calculations in the Report Columns:

  • Work hours = Billable + Non-billable
  • Utilization = Billable hours / Work hours
  • Revenue = Each team member’s hours x each team member’s billing rate entered in the tracker/timesheet
  • Cost = Each team member’s hours x each team member’s cost rate set up in the Team Setup
  • Profit = Revenue – Costs

Graphic Overview

If you want to see the graphic overview, click the “Graph” button.

The tasks will be listed in the table view order by default.

How to make a Task Performance Assessment based on this report

  • If you compare the revenues, costs and profits among thetasks, you will get insights into your most productive and least productive tasks
  • In case you see more hours or costs than expected for some tasks, you can reorganize work activities among employees


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Project reporting Thu, 05 Jan 2023 13:24:03 +0000 Projects report shows time, income, and expenses for every project in a selected period. To review project performances: Click the Reports section in the main menu Click the Project tab in the header Choose the date range from the calendar (Alternatively, you can select a pre-determined date range, including Today, This Week, Last Week, This […]

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Projects report shows time, income, and expenses for every project in a selected period. To review project performances:

  1. Click the Reports section in the main menu
  2. Click the Project tab in the header
  3. Choose the date range from the calendar (Alternatively, you can select a pre-determined date range, including Today, This Week, Last Week, This Month, Last Month, This Year).

You will see the table view of all projects.If you want a visual report, click the “Graph” button.

The data relating to projects includes:

  • Work hours – hours recorded on work activities – this is the sum of billable and non-billable hours
  • Billable hours –the portion of work hours that is billable to clients
  • Non-billable – the portionart of work hours that is non-billable to clients (e.g. internal work, proposal preparation, initial meetings, administrative work that is not payable)
  • Utilization – the share of billable hours in work hours
  • Revenue – billable hours multiplied by the involved team members’ billing rates entered in the timer
  • Cost allocated to the projects – total recorded hours multiplied by the employee cost (pay) rate
  • Profit – revenue – costs

Insight into details

Click on the “Details” button and you will get more details for each project:

  • The team involved in the project with a breakdown of the hours structure per team member
  • Clients related to the project with hours structure per client
  • Tasks performed within the project with hours structure
  • Total number of team members involved in the project, total number of tasks and clients that are related to the project

Calculations in the Report Columns:

  • Work hours = Billable + Non-billable
  • Utilization – Billable hours / Work hours
  • Revenue = Each team member’s hours x each team member’s billing rate entered in the tracker/timesheet
  • Cost = Each team member’s hours x each team member’s cost rate set up in the Team Setup
  • Profit = Revenue – Costs

Graphic Overview

If you want to see the graphic overview, click the “Graph” button.

The projects will be listed in the table view order by default.

How to make a Project Performance Assessment based on this report

  • If you compare the revenues, costs and profits among the projects, you will get insight into your best performing and low performing projects
  • If you notice a project is taking more time or costs, you can re-negotiate terms with the client or terminate relationships with your loss-generating clients
  • Use hours and costs invested in a project to determine prices for future and current similar projects


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Clients Reporting Thu, 05 Jan 2023 13:22:25 +0000 A Clients report is a special type of report that shows the performance of your clients, including the time, income, and expenses for each client in a specific period. To view client performances: Click the Reports section in the main menu Click the Clients tab in the header Choose your date range from the calendar […]

The post Clients Reporting appeared first on Time Analytics.

A Clients report is a special type of report that shows the performance of your clients, including the time, income, and expenses for each client in a specific period. To view client performances:

  1. Click the Reports section in the main menu
  2. Click the Clients tab in the header
  3. Choose your date range from the calendar (Alternatively, you can select a pre-determined date range, including Today, This Week, Last Week, This Month, Last Month, This Year)

You will see a table view for all clients – if you want a visual report click the “Graph” button.

So, be able to see each client’s:

  • Work hours – hours recorded on work activities – this is the sum of billable and non-billable hours
  • Billable hours – the portion of work hours that is billable to the client
  • Non-Billable the postion of work hours that is non-billable to the client (e.g. proposal preparation, initial meetings, administrative work that is not payable)
  • Utilization – the share of billable hours in total work hours
  • Revenue – billable hours multiplied by the involved team members’ billing rates entered in the timer
  • Cost allocated to the client – total recorded hours multiplied with employee cost (pay) rate
  • Profit – revenue minus costs

Insight into details

Click the “Details” button and you will get more details for each client:

  • The team involved in the client engagement with a breakdown of the hours structure per team member
  • Projects performed for the client with the hours structure for different types of projects
  • Tasks performed for the client with hours structure
  • Total number of team members involved in the client engagement, as well as the total number of tasks and projects related to this client

Calculations in the Report Columns:

  • Work hours = Billable + Non-billable
  • Utilization – Billable hours / Work hours
  • Revenue = Each team member’s hours x each team member’s billing rate entered in the tracker/ timesheet
  • Cost = The number of hours for each team member x the cost rate set up in the Team Setup for every team member
  • Profit = Revenue – Costs

Graphic Overview

If you want a graphic overview, click the “Graph” button

Clients will be listed in the order given in the table view by default.

How to Make a Client Performance Assessment Based on This Report

  • If you compare the revenues, costs and profits among the clients you will get insight into your best performing and low performing clients
  • If you see a client is taking more hours or resources than expected, you will be able to re-negotiate the terms with that client or terminate relationships with your loss-generating clients
  • Use hours and costs invested in a project to determine prices for further similar engagements with established or new clients


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The post Clients Reporting appeared first on Time Analytics.

Team reporting Thu, 05 Jan 2023 13:20:32 +0000 The Team report is a special type of report that shows the performance of your team for a specific period. To view your team’s performance: Click the Reports section in the main menu Click the Team tab in the header Choose the date range from the calendar (Alternatively, you can select a pre-determined date range, […]

The post Team reporting appeared first on Time Analytics.

The Team report is a special type of report that shows the performance of your team for a specific period. To view your team’s performance:

  1. Click the Reports section in the main menu
  2. Click the Team tab in the header
  3. Choose the date range from the calendar (Alternatively, you can select a pre-determined date range, including Today, This Week, Last Week, This Month, Last Month, This Year)

You will get a table view for all employees by default. If you want a visual report, you can get it by clicking the “Graph” button.

Here is a list of statistics you can see for every employee:

Effectiveness Performance

  • Total recorded hours by the employee – when you compare this statistic to the capacity hours you will know whether an employee used up their capacity or not
  • Work hours – hours recorded on work activities – you will see how many work hours there were within total recorded hours

Efficiency Performance

  • Overtime – if there are more total recorded hours than capacity hours
  • Unrecorded hours – if there are fewer total recorded hours than capacity hours. You should check whether an employee simply didn’t log their hours or wasn’t working enough

Productivity Performanc

  • Billable hours – the portion of work hours is are billable to the clients
  • Non-Billable – the portion of work hours that is non-billable to the clients (e.g. proposal preparation, initial meetings, administration work that is not payable)
  • Utilization – the share of billable hours in total work hours

You can compare the realized utilization rate to the planned rate entered in the Team member profile, so you can track whether they utilized their time according to the expectations.

Profitability Performance

  • Revenue – billable hours multiplied by the involved team members’ billing rates entered in the Timer
  • Cost allocated to the client – total recorded hours multiplied by the employee cost (pay) rate
  • Profit – revenue minus costs

Insight into Details

Click the “Details” button and you will get more details for each employee:

  • All clients the employee was engaged with and the hour structure per client
  • All projects the employee was involved in with the hour structure per project
  • All tasks performed by an employee with their hour structure
  • Total number of clients, projects and different tasks a team member was involved in

The Calculations in the Report Columns:

  • Work hours = Billable + Non-billable hours
  • Total hours = Work hours + Time off
  • Utilization = Billable hours / Work hours
  • Revenue = Every team member’s hours x every team member’s billing rate entered in the tracker/ timesheet
  • Cost = Every team member’s hours x every team member’s cost rate entered in the Team setup
  • Profit = Revenue – Costs


Graphic Overview

If you want to see a graphic overview of the performances, click the “Graph” button.


The clients are listed in the order given in the table view by default.

The visual overview gives you complete insight in one glance into:

  • Employees who didn’t log all hours or didn’t have enough tasks
  • Employees who worked overtime
  • Employees with the most absences
  • Employees with the most billable hours
  • Employees with good billing utilization
  • Employees making a profit, and the size of the profit


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