6 Online Tools That Boost Your Work Productivity

6 Online Tools That Boost Your Work Productivity

May 10, 2023

The productivity of someone’s work depends on three key elements which are Time Management, Sharp Focus, and Organization. To boost your productivity at work, you need to elevate the quality of these elements.

Online Tools That Boost Your Work Productivity

In this article, we are going to learn about 6 online tools that can help you do so. These tools can help you manage your time, stay focused, and organize your work-related things.

By mastering these things, you can boost your productivity in no time.

Let’s learn more about these tools.

 1. Time Analytics

Utilizing your time is the first step you have to take to walk on the road to achieve exceptional productivity. Time Analytics software can help you do so.

It is a time management tool developed to boost the productivity of organizations as well as individuals. It helps in doing so by keeping track of time spent on projects, tasks, and clients. It also keeps track of time that was not productive so it can be improved.

  • The bold features of this tool that you can use to improve your work productivity are as follow:
  • Time Analytics software tracks time automatically in the background. You do not have to worry about manually calculating the employees’ hours or time spent dealing with clients, etc. If you are an individual who wants to boost your productivity, you can calculate what amount of time is being spent on actual work and what amount is being spent on meaningless things. With the help of this calculation, you can spot your weak points and work on them to increase your productivity.
  • It provides task-wise time tracking. You can add specific times for specific tasks so that they are performed within time.
  • It can help calculate billable and non-billable hours easily.
  • You can customize the settings according to your work type and working hours.
  • By using Time Analytics, you can also collaborate with other organizations and work according to the same time schedule that is calculated on the same platform.

2. Trello

If you don’t get your work organized, no matter how much you try to utilize your time, it would not help elevate your productivity. Keeping your tasks organized is very important to improve your work productivity. Trello is a tool that can do the job for you.

Founded in 2011 by Fog Creek, Trello is a project management tool that helps people organize their daily tasks by keeping track of them. The tool keeps your tasks and projects organized by showing progress in the form of boards and graphs.

  • The following features of Trello can help you boost your productivity at work:
  • The tool provides a checklist feature that helps people break down bigger tasks into smaller ones. You can check the tasks that you have completed to keep your work organized.
  • It allows you to set due dates and reminders in order to complete your task within deadlines.
  • Its card-based system allows you to keep a visual track of what is going on with your work. The tasks that are in progress or have been completed can easily be seen in the cards.
  • Multiple teams and work organizations can work together by sharing the same platform for work management.
  • It is also available in a mobile version to keep track of your work if you want to use it individually.

3. Dropbox

Dropbox is a cloud-based tool that helps people store and share their important data. It is a useful tool for both individuals and organizations. It is a helpful tool to organize and store your work-related data easily.

Let’s discuss some of its features that can help you boost your productivity.

  • Dropbox can be helpful to store important data that can be accessed from multiple devices from anywhere around the world. That is because your data is stored in cloud storage and can be accessed easily.
  • It can ensure your data’s safety as you can only allow access to the people you want.
  • It makes data sharing a lot easier. You can simply send the link of your file to other people or organization and they can download, edit, or use it online easily.
  • It provides an automatic file syncing option that helps to store data automatically.
  • It is also available in a mobile version which is a very convenient feature.

Moving on to the next tool…

4. Image to Text

Image to text is an online tool that uses OCR (Optical Character Recognition) technology to convert the text present in an image to its digital form. These tools detect and scan texts present in an image character-wise, whether in printed or handwritten form and then convert them into digital texts if they match the characters stored in its database.

This Image to text converter tool is used in fields like business, education, legal firms, etc. Through its usage, people can easily convert huge amounts of data into digital format that can be easily edited and shared.

The following are some features of this tool that can be helpful to you to boost your work productivity.

  • It converts data into digital form very conveniently which can save you a lot of time that would otherwise be spent in manually entering.
  • It can save you a lot of money as you will not have to hire specialists to enter data into the system. By saving storage space, it saves you money that would be spent on it.
  • It allows you to convert data from multiple images at the same time.
  • You can ensure your data’s safety by saving the digital from in different security protocols.

5. Canva

Canva has become one of the most popular graphic designing tools. And that is solely because of its convenience. It allows people to design their posters, presentations, advertisements, etc., both in image and video form.

Based in Sydney, Australia, this tool has been helping a lot of people both in educational and professional fields. The following are some features of this tool that you can utilize to increase your work productivity:

  • It provides a wide range of templates that you can use to design for your work.
  • The customization of these templates can be tailored according to your needs.
  • Unlike most designing websites and software, Canva is free to use. Most of its features are free but to take your productivity to another level, you can purchase its premium plans also.
  • It is an easily accessible tool that also provides a mobile application that you can use to create your designs easily.

Using Canva instead of any other graphic designing software can save you both time and money.

6. Evernote

Evernote is a note-taking tool that helps organizations and individuals keep track of their tasks. It allows its users to take notes in the form of texts, audio, videos, and images. These notes can be shared easily with other people and can be stored directly in cloud storage.

Some of the features of Evernote that can be helpful to you are as follows:

  • It provides you the ability to take notes quickly from anywhere.
  • The multiple formats in which you can take notes can elevate the productivity level of your work.
  • It keeps your to-do lists and notes organized.
  • Its convenient search ability allows you to search from your previous notes easily.
  • This tool also provides a mobile application version that can help you a lot if you want to improve your work individually.


By managing your time, sharpening your focus, and organizing your workflow, you can easily boost your productivity in any field in life. The above-explained 6 tools can help you increase your productivity level if you learn how to utilize their features. Their convenience and wide range of features can help you work fast and more efficiently.




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