Using Time Tracking Data to Make Better Business Decisions

Using Time Tracking Data to Make Better Business Decisions

Jelena Lukic
Written by Jelena Lukic
March 5, 2024

Making informed decisions has always been crucial for success. One often overlooked source of valuable data is time tracking.

By leveraging time tracking data, businesses can gain insights that inform strategic planning, budgeting, and resource allocation. In this article, we’ll explore how businesses can utilize time tracking data to make informed decisions and drive growth.

I have been participating and reviewing time tracking practices for quite a while. Here is what I learned.

Using Time Tracking for Strategic Planning

Analyzing time tracking data provides me with valuable insights that shape my strategic planning efforts. Here’s how I leverage time tracking data to drive success:

Analyzing Time Allocation

By reviewing time tracking data, I can identify how my employees allocate their time across different projects, tasks, or departments. This information helps me understand where the majority of their efforts are focused. To put it simply, it allows me to

  • identify areas of focus,
  • prioritize initiatives,
  • and allocate resources effectively.

It ensures that I align my strategic planning with the most critical areas of my business.

For instance, if I notice that a significant amount of time is being spent on administrative tasks rather than revenue-generating activities, I can explore automation or outsourcing options to free up more time for core business activities.

💡 Industry Insights
A case study by TimeCamp showed how time tracking software helped a digital marketing agency increase its revenue by 40% in six months. The software helped them track their billable hours, monitor their project progress, and optimize their resource allocation.

Identifying Core Competencies

Time tracking data reveals where my employees spend the majority of their time and demonstrate proficiency. This insight helps me identify the core competencies within my organization. By understanding where my team excels, I can align my planning efforts to utilize those strengths.

For example, if I find that a particular team consistently spends a significant amount of time on marketing-related tasks and achieves exceptional results, I can focus my strategic planning efforts on expanding marketing initiatives. This includes investing in additional training for that team, or even considering hiring more marketing specialists.

Evaluating Project Performance

Time tracking data enables me to easily evaluate project performance by comparing estimated time to actual time spent. This information helps me identify bottlenecks, inefficiencies, and areas for improvement in future projects. It allows me to make data-driven decisions to improve project management and enhance overall efficiency.

For instance, if I notice that certain projects consistently exceed the estimated time, I can investigate the root causes, such as complex tasks, resource constraints, or inadequate planning. Armed with this knowledge, I can implement strategies to address the bottlenecks, streamline processes, and improve project outcomes.

Being Prepared

Evaluating project performance through time tracking data also allows me to identify patterns and trends. By analyzing this data, I can spot recurring issues, such as tasks that consistently take longer than anticipated or projects that consistently fall behind schedule. This insight helps me proactively address these issues in future projects, leading to improved efficiency and client satisfaction.

💡 Industry Insights
A research paper by Springer proposed a novel method of using time series data mining to discover business processes from event logs. The method can extract the underlying patterns and rules of the business processes, and provide insights for process improvement and optimization.

Budget Accuracy Benefits

Accurate budgeting is crucial for effective financial planning and resource management. Leveraging time tracking data enhances the accuracy and effectiveness of my budgeting processes. Here’s how I utilize time tracking data to optimize my budgeting efforts:

Project Cost Estimation

By analyzing time tracking data from past projects, I gain valuable insights into the actual time and effort required to complete similar projects. This information helps me estimate project costs more accurately, reducing the likelihood of over or underestimation.

For example, if I notice that a specific type of project consistently takes longer than anticipated, I can adjust my future cost estimates accordingly. This ensures that I allocate the necessary resources and funds to complete projects within budget while maintaining profitability.

Monitoring Project Expenditure

Time tracking data allows me to monitor project costs in real-time. By comparing the actual time spent with the budgeted time, I can identify projects that are at risk of exceeding the allocated budget and take corrective actions in time.

For instance, if I observe that a project is consuming more time and resources than initially planned, I can investigate the reasons behind the deviation. I can then make informed decisions such as reallocating resources, adjusting timelines, or implementing process improvements to bring the project back on track and prevent cost overruns.

Identifying Non-Essential Activities

The data time tracking provides is a valuable tool for identifying non-essential or low-value activities that consume excessive resources. With its help, I can take steps to optimize resource allocation and reduce unnecessary costs.

If I notice that certain tasks consistently take up a significant amount of time but contribute little value to the overall project or business objectives, I can reassess their importance. I may choose to eliminate, automate, or streamline these activities to optimize resource allocation and reduce costs without compromising productivity or quality.

Boosting Efficiency

Expanding on the previous point, analyzing time tracking data also helps me identify opportunities for process improvement and efficiency gains. By identifying tasks or processes that consistently take longer than expected, I can investigate the underlying reasons and implement strategies to streamline operations. This not only optimizes resource allocation but also reduces costs, improves productivity, and enhances overall profitability.

💡 Industry Insights
According to a report by Software Advice, 43% of respondents said that time tracking software helped them improve their productivity, 41% said it helped them reduce errors in their work, and 39% said it helped them improve their work quality.

Resource Allocation Benefits

Efficient resource allocation is the key for maximizing productivity and meeting project deadlines. Time tracking data provides me with valuable insights that optimize resource allocation within my organization.

Identifying High-Value Projects

Time tracking data helps me identify projects that yield the highest return on investment from the point of time spent. By analyzing this data, I can determine the projects that have the greatest potential for success and allocate resources accordingly.

Once I observe that a particular project consistently generates significant revenue or leads to high customer satisfaction, I can prioritize allocating additional resources to that project. This ensures that I focus my resources on endeavors that are most likely to drive positive outcomes and contribute to the overall success of my business.

Balancing Workloads

By carefully analyzing time tracking data, I can identify workload imbalances among employees or teams. This insight allows me to redistribute tasks and resources to ensure equitable workloads and prevent burnout.

As soon as I notice that certain individuals or teams are consistently overloaded with tasks while others have available capacity, I can reallocate work to create a more balanced distribution. This not only promotes a healthier work environment but also ensures that projects and tasks are completed efficiently and on time.

Furthermore, by monitoring workload distribution over time, I can identify patterns and trends that may require adjustments in staffing or resource allocation. This proactive approach allows me to optimize productivity and maintain a sustainable pace for my teams.

Optimizing Skill Utilization

Time tracking data highlights employees’ areas of expertise and proficiency. By leveraging this information, I can assign tasks and projects to individuals with the relevant skills, maximizing efficiency and productivity.

If certain team members consistently complete specific types of tasks more efficiently than others, I can strategically assign those tasks to them. This approach ensures that tasks are completed with the highest level of competence and minimizes the time spent on learning or training for less experienced team members.

Additionally, by identifying gaps in skills or areas where additional training may be beneficial, I can proactively address those needs. This helps me optimize the skill utilization within my organization, leading to improved performance and higher-quality deliverables.

💡 Industry Insights
A study by Fingent found that time series analysis, a method of forecasting future outcomes based on past data, can help businesses improve their decision making by understanding the patterns and trends in their data. Time series analysis can be used for various purposes, such as predicting sales, demand, inventory, and cash flow.

Addressing Issues – A Constant Drive to Improve

When it comes to project execution issues like unrealistic schedules and reactionary planning, time-tracking data proves to be invaluable.

By analyzing time-tracking data, companies can identify where time is being misallocated or where unrealistic schedules are causing bottlenecks. This information allows them to adjust project timelines and resource allocation to ensure more realistic and achievable goals.

Moreover, time-tracking data helps highlight areas where poor focus and unclear goals are most prevalent. By understanding these patterns and trends, managers can take proactive measures to address the root causes. This may involve

  • providing clearer project objectives,
  • improving communication channels,
  • or implementing project management methodologies that foster greater focus and goal clarity.

Finally, time tracking ensures understanding the actual time spent on different tasks and projects. To put it simply, managers can more accurately estimate resource requirements and allocate budgets accordingly. This helps prevent underfunding or overallocation of resources, leading to more efficient and successful project execution.


Time tracking data is a powerful resource that businesses can leverage to inform strategic planning, budgeting, and resource allocation decisions. By analyzing time tracking data, businesses gain insights into employee productivity, project performance, and resource utilization. This information enables informed decision-making, leading to improved efficiency, optimized budgets, and increased profitability. Embrace the power of time tracking data and unlock its potential to drive growth and success in your business.

💡 Industry Insights
According to a survey by Harvest, 80% of respondents said that time tracking software helped them improve their project management, 57% said it helped them increase their profitability, and 50% said it helped them improve their client relationships.

Try Time Analytics

Time Analytics is a time and productivity tracking platform that turns time into tangible values and displays them clearly.

Keep an eye on projects, service lines and clients to ensure you remain profitable and effective. The platform connects each time entry with its project and client. This makes data collection, as well as the billing process, seamless and clear.

The app allows you to track overtime as well. This way you can compensate your employees fairly. However, more importantly, you can address the reasons behind overtime and prevent overworking and burnout.

Take care of your team. Pay every member accordingly and develop a sense of community and trust with Time Analytics!

Jelena Lukic

Jelena has a Master’s Degree in teaching Serbian literature and language. Creative writing is her biggest passion.

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